R. Scott Moxley has the story over at the OC Weekly’s Navel Gazing Blog. Peggy Lowe of the Orange County Register is leavng “temporarily” for the prestiegious Knight-Wallace Fellowship at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Her last day is tomorrow.
All of us at TheLiberalOC are going to miss Peggy. She has been a great asset to the Register and in particular the Total Buzz blog.
I will never forget April Fools Day 2007, when our founder Mike Lawson changed the layout of TheLiberalOC to be “Blue Minority,” telling our readers he had sold out to Red County. Peggy bought the story and press release hook, line and sinker. She posted the announcement on Total Buzz and then called Matt Cunningham for a quote. As I recall Matt telling it, he had to put down the phone he was laughing so hard.
Peggy, GOOD LUCK! We hope you decide to come back.
Kudos on the fellowship Peggy; know that we’ll miss you
Peggy, if you leave, who is going to keep us informed of all the wasteful tax dollar funded legal expenses from BOS law suit against the Orange County Employees Retirement System? Please, at least give us an update before you leave.