Anderson Appointment Political? I Think So.

“Yes, […] Jack [Anderson] wanted to run for Sheriff in 2010, and he and I have had those conversations. […] I would have been very supportive of him.” – Former Sheriff Mike Carona

OK, so you must have seen by now Peggy Lowe’s great post on Jack Anderson being appointed as our new Sheriff. Mike Carona picked him to take charge as he steps down. And so far, it seems like our Board of Supervisors is quite happy with this decision.

So can we all be glad that the OC GOP Machine has lost its grip over the Sheriffs’ Department? Not so fast. Take a look at the current membership of the OC GOP Central Committee. Notice a certain Jack Anderson in AD 71? Yep, I did, too.

OK, OK, so may I possibly be worrying too much about this little coincidence? Maybe. But then again, I just can’t help but find it intriguing that Mike Carona would pick someone on the OC Republican Party’s Central Committee to replace him… Especially after considering all that the OC GOP had done to try to save his behind.

Just a little food for thought…