Come to Hillary’s Iowa Caucus Watch Party!

Hey, are you ready to party? Team Hillary is! This Thursday, Iowa Democrats will be choosing who they want to be our next President… And we’ll be watching right here as all the drama unfolds!

Here are all the details on this very special party for all local Hillary Clinton supporters looking to see what happens in Iowa:

Iowa Caucus Watch Party in Santa Ana, Hosted by Former Assemblymember Tom Umberg

Thursday, January 3, 2008 at 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM

2323 West First Street
Santa Ana, CA 92703

Join us in Santa Ana for an Iowa caucus watch party. All eyes will be on Iowa this night so you are invited to join with other California Hillary Clinton supporters to watch the returns of the first-in-nation Iowa caucus that officially kicks-off the 2008 primary election season! You are also invited to help make history. The month of January will be a busy one for the Clinton campaign and we need your help reaching out to voters as Californians begin casting absentee ballots just four days after the Iowa Caucuses! Election Day in Iowa will mark the start of Senator Clintons road to victory! For more information or to RSVP, call 213-908-0190 or email

So are you ready to make history with Hillary? And are you ready to have some fun on Thursday? Great, we’ll look forward to seeing you there!


  1. What is Mexicanisimo? I looked it up online and by the looks of the map , it’s “RIGHT IN THE HEART OF THE GHETTO!!!”

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