Carona to Step Down, For Now

Martin Wisckol and Peggy Lowe at Total Buzz are reporting that Sheriff Mike Carona will step aside from day to day operations of the Sherrif’s Department to defend himself against the indictment. And the Register had this story first.

galisky.jpgGalisky to be in charge

November 2nd, 2007 · posted by plowe

Jo Ann Galisky, the current undersheriff, will be placed in charge while Sheriff Mike Carona temporarily steps aside, according to Supe Bill Campbell.

I emailed Galisky for comment — she’s a Blackberry-carrying kind of manager — and she said she’s too busy at the moment.

Galisky, 47, has been with the Orange County Sheriff’s Deparment since 1984. She was promoted to undersheriff — which Carona brought back after the disasterous assistant sheriff system he had crumbled — in April. As you’d expect, she’s a loyal Carona supporter.

Galisky, long the highest-ranking female in the department, will now be at the top. She was born and raised in Southern California and currently lives in Orange with her longtime partner.

When asked what her definition of success was by the Register’s business section, Galisky said:

“Success is to live in the moment, to appreciate and enjoy those around me, to ensure that those I love know it. I’d also like a good night’s sleep; my mind never stops. Professional success is a year in which no law enforcement officers are killed or injured and our servicemen return home safely.”

– Peggy Lowe

Martin Wisckol has more…

More on Carona stepping aside

Sheriff Mike Carona will relinquish control of his department to battle the federal corruption indictment made public this week.