There are so many things for local lefties to do today to keep themselves busy. Take your pick:
Santa Ana: Liza Smith of Peace Brigades International Will be speaking at the Orange County Friends Meeting at 117 W. Fourth Street, Suite 200, Santa Ana, California 92701. 714-836-6355 (she will also be joining the Irvine UCC Peace Vigil Sunday evening Sep 23 7pm)
Long Beach: Jim Brandt’s Third Annual Barbecue Bash Focusing on Promoting a Healthier California With special booths, including: The American Red Cross The American Lung Association Local Health Food Stores Local Fitness Clubs YMCA & Intramural Sports Safe Kids, Children ID Cards Join us for a picnic with friends and family. We’ll have fun for the kids, entertainment, opportunity chance giveaways, and plenty of food! El Dorado Park, Long Beach in the Willow Grove section Tickets $10 per person | $25 for a family of 4 | Free parking! RSVP Lindsay Hopkins at | 562/472-0381
Irvine: Newport Beach Bay Democrats (all Democrats welcome) Subject: Expect 4 proxies to speak for 4 Democratic Presidential candidates as to why their candidates should be elected based on their candidates qualifications, and stands on wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, health care, education and future jobs and trade policies and the use of computers and paper ballots in counting votes with a time for question and answers for each of the 4 proxies at the meeting. Light refreshments served. Location and Directions: The Duck Club is located within Irvine off of Michelson Drive. Get to the I-405 and Jamboree Blvd exit and turn right onto Jamboree Blvd. After one block turn right onto Michelson Drive and go 5 traffic lights on it to Riparian View, where you turn right. Go about 1.5 miles South, toward the Pacific Ocean. Just before Riparian View becomes a dirt road, turn right and go 25 feet down a dirt road. Then turn Left into the Parking Lot. The Duck Club is the building furthest from your last turn and closest to Los Angeles and Newport Beach. The Duck Club has a Duck on the top of the right of the roof and is located just past the Audubon Society building. Contact: Paul Gilbert
Garden Grove: Free Coastline concert in support of the Africa Project Garden Grove Center (Garden Glove Blvd. & Euclid) All donations go to The Africa Project ( to assist with food, clothing, school fees, medical care and other basic necessities. THE MISSION The Africa Project is to raise awareness regarding the plight of AIDS orphans and vulnerable children in Africa. The Africa Project also seeks to fund special projects that create an enduring improvement in the community. THE VILLAGE Nkandla, South Africa is located in the Kwazulu Natal region of South Africa. It is home to 140,000 people, almost half (46%) of whom are under age 15. Nkandla has one of the highest HIV infection rates in any area in Africa. There are no reliable statistics, but the estimate is that 1 in 4 people in Nkandla are infected with AIDS. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Coastline Community College Student Advisory Council: Tel: (714) 241-6253
Orange: Progressive Christians Uniting-Orange County: Iraq: What Now? What Next? invites you to a workshop featuring Keynote Speaker, Dr. Don Will, Director of the Peace Studies Program at Chapman University. Following Dr. Will’s presentation there will be a time for extensive dialogue, including a potential panel discussion and questions from workshop attendees. First Christian Church of Orange 1130 E. Walnut Street in Orange
Tustin: OC-CleanMoney Speaker Training Aldersgate UMC, Tustin, Ca. (in Fireside room) 1201 Irvine Blvd., Tustin, CA 92680 Phone: 714.544.3653 Presenter: Danny Medress, Field Organizer (and perhaps Susan Lerner, Executive Dir.!) Please let everyone you know who is interested in the Clean Money revolution! The purpose of the “Speakers Training” is to get all of us up to speed on the current strategy, status and our future actions on a statewide level. These will help guide our OC county level actions. As you may know, the campaign is now a “two year bill” and so won’t be on the ballot for another year. That means that we have time to contact as many representatives, government officials, groups and organizations in Orange County. Check out the state website at : Thanks!!! Terry Van Hook & Dave Sonneborn P.S. Help us stop AB 1430. It would would gut local campaign finance regulations and pre-empt them with more lax state regulation. ( =ab1430-senate)
Irvine: IUCC PEACE VIGIL CULVER AND ALTON – Irvine United Congregational Church will hold a candlelight vigil to honor the victims of war and to advocate in favor of peace. All are welcome to join us. (Guest Speaker: Liza Smith of Peace Brigades International – cf. Sep 23 11am) Contact: Felicity Figueroa – Email: Location: NE corner of Alton and Culver, by the baseball fields Alton Pkwy. & Culver Dr.