While we were sleeping…

Back on July 31st, while everyone was focused on the proposal to challenge Deputy Sheriff pensions proposed by Supervisor Moorlach, the Board of Supervisor’s spiked their pay and pensions.

“It’s the height of hypocrisy to carry a banner of pension reform while quietly spiking your own pension,” – Larry Yellin, President of the Orange County Attorneys Association. 

These people are a piece of work.  The word that best described their behavior over the past few months is hubris.  Dictionary.com defines hubris as – excessive pride or self-confidence; arrogance. 

Peggy Lowe has the full story in the Orange County Register this morning. [HERE]

Just minutes after approving the increase to their own retirement savings plans July 31– along with those of other elected officials and county executives – the board began discussions on Supervisor John Moorlach’s plan to slash the retired deputies’ benefits by a third.

The five supervisors upped the biweekly contribution to their 401(a) accounts – the government’s version of a 401(k) defined contribution plan – from 6 percent to 8 percent. They also nearly doubled the number of annual leave hours they may cash in for a salary jump and increased their monthly car stipend to $765.  

Here is what County CEO, and explainer in chief, Tom Mauk had to say when asked about the Board’s pension and benefit spike.

“The reason those increases were made for the elected categories was to maintain the differentials (between elected officials and appointed executives).”

What’s next?  


  1. A reminder that every member of the BoS is a conservative Republican. So much for the party of limited Government

  2. Here here Dan. Now I would like to see what Janet has to say to the unions the next time she tries to ask them for help again. What a dope. First she does this and then she spends a few months trying to get support from Democrats in the county? Geez louise.

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