Dana Point Council Rescinds “Anti-Recall Resolution” While Harkey Gets Served With Law Suit

OK, here’s the latest on that law suit against Dana Point Mayor Diane Harkey that I reported on earlier this morning:

Mayor Diane Harkey and the City of Dana Point was sued today in Orange County Superior Court for violating the California Public Records by not disclosing city documents evidencing the time and taxpayer dollars spent by attorneys in responding to Harkey’s requests for legal advice. The lawsuit was filed by Recall Proponents Robert and Colleen Traphagen, who are represented by Martha A. Torgow, Esq., an expert on the California Public Records Act (“CPRA”) and frequent professional lecturer on the CPRA. The Traphagen’s had previously asked that the documents be provided to them consistent with the public’s right to know under the CPRA. […]
Robert Traphagen stated, “I’m entitled to know how my tax dollars are being spent in Dana Point, and I am saddened that Harkey doesn’t want the public to know what she is spending, because that would be illegal.”

Oh, and speaking of illegal, here’s some news on that “resolution” opposing the Diane Harkey Recall that violated the Brown Act. Guess what happened at last night’s Dana Point City Council meeting? They had to rescind that “resolution” opposing the recall. Well, at least that scandal may be coming to an end for the Harkeystas. (Keyword being MAY.)

However just as the dust begins to settle on the Brown Act scandal, it looks like Diane Harkey has found herself in a completely new scandal. First it was a lack of openness in deliberating resolutions before the city council, and now it’s a lack of openness in obtaining what should be public documents. I have asked this before, and I’ll ask it again: Why is Diane Harkey so afraid of the public in her own city?


  1. While the scandal involving the Brown Act may be technically put to rest, the fact remains that Harkey and Co. deliberately tried to deceive voters into assuming that their little resolution was an official city position. Then they wriggled out of legal consequences by nullifying the resolution while claiming they had done nothing wrong – you know, like trying to have your cake and eat it too. With the exception of her koolaid drinking buddies, this will all come home to roost, as the implications and growing pattern of behavior slowly register on the public. People don’t like being taken for chumps.

  2. Very true, Tony. How very true. I guess what I should have said in the story is that the controversy surrounding the Brown Act violation MAY begin to die down. However, it’s not guaranteed that everyone will forget it. Oh yes, and Harkey may still face further legal challenges regarding that Brown Act violation. Now add to that the new CAPRA law suit, and Harkey may end up spending A LOT of time in court in the coming months. Well, I guess this is what she gets for hiding the truth from the public.

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