Republicans Continue to Delay Budget

Another day goes by and 15 rich white guys hold up the budget and place millions of people who rely on the state for jobs and services at risk.  Loved this quote from Saturday’s LA Times in particular:

With the GOP rebels unbending to pressure from the governor and emboldened by support among activists, there are no obvious ways for Schwarzenegger and the Democrats to make them give in. 

“Their entire world is 50 people: the 15 people in their caucus and the 35 people posting on the Flash Report,” said Jason Kinnery, a Democratic consultant. “They’re a permanent minority party that only cares about achieving success within their little sandbox.”

Check the full story from the LA Times on Saturday.


  1. Instead of balancing the budget liberal Dem’s attack Republicans who were elected to be fiscally responsible to those who put them in office. In fact, once elected, they have a responsibility to every CA taxpayer to throw out the red ink bottles and pens.
    When will liberals recognize that fact and cut some of the programs as recommended by Sen McClintock that I posted on the Orange Juice blog?

    Calling them 15 rich white guys is a nice racial slur that really adds to the solution. But then what else should I expect coming from the LA Times.

  2. Larry – The Republican senators are in fact 15 rich white guys who represent state with large hispanic and Asian populations.  I apologize if you take umbrage of this being a racial slur but its not. 

    Least we forget, the Legislature was suposed to get close on the budget with Arnold stepping in to further cut spending. Tom McClintock’s cuts hurt real people and show he has no heart whatsoever. Among all the proposed cuts Tom and the mouth-breathers on the right, and not a single proposal to cut any of the corporate welfare benefits you guys extend to big business.

    Is it fair, Larry, that some individuals pay more state tax than many corporations do?

  3. McClintock is the biggest gasbag this side of the Mississippi. All he does is vote no on everything and bash big government.

    Meanwhile, he’s never held a job that wasn’t taxpayer supported.

    I give him credit for his ability to separate conservatives from their cash.

  4. Dan:

    You might want to tell Abel Maldonado he’s no longer Hispanic, but white.

    I don’t know if they are all rich. So are Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi — but I doubt we’ll ever see you describe them as “rich white ladies.”

    “rich white guys” isn’t an argument. It’s not even remotely related to thinking. It’s a phrase intended to put Republicans on the defensive, and it’s used by race-conscious liberal Democrats who know it puts some Republicans on the defensive.

  5. Matt — throw Hillary in there too; although the right wing noise machine has discovered she has breasts as their a debate over her cleavage.

    Maldonado (my college roommate’s last name oddly enough) is placing party before the people. I believe idle threats and other “encouragement” from hard core conservatives is keeping him from doing the right thing.

    You presume far too much on how liberals think and are always quick to dismiss our arguement. A lot fo thought went into those words and if it puts you on the defensive, fine. The governor has already indicated he is ready to use his blue pencil to cut more from the budget and he’s a Republican. So what is your side so afraid of? You had months to negotiate after the May revise and did squat. This is a case of the minority subverting the will of the majority.

  6. Matt — throw Hillary in there too; although the right wing noise machine has discovered she has breasts as their a debate over her cleavage.

    Funny how Hillary had a fund-raising e-mail about it going out within hours. But I don’t think the “right-wing noise machine” has spent nearly as much time focused on Hillary’s cleavage as you do on Mrs. Fred Thompson’s.

    A lot fo thought went into those words and if it puts you on the defensive, fine.

    A lot of thought went into “rich white guys”? If that’s the pinnacle of liberal thought, I’m glad I’m not one.

    The governor has already indicated he is ready to use his blue pencil to cut more from the budget and he’s a Republican.

    Arnold is a Republican? Maybe you should remind him. I wouldn’t trust one of Arnold’s promises about as far as I could throw the man.

    This is a case of the minority subverting the will of the majority.

    When did the Left become majority uber alles?

  7. Arnold is a Republican? Maybe you should remind him. I wouldn’t trust one of Arnold’s promises about as far as I could throw the man.

    He certainly isn’t a dem. Repubs were licking themselves all over when they recalled Davis and elected Arnold.

    The GOP then supported him in his run last year. Why would they do that if they didn’t support him?

  8. Matt – Democrats have the decisive edge in voter registration. Look at the numbers of the assembly and the senate prove it.

    On Jeri Thompson, just love to point out the massive age difference; I’m sure the religious right loves the fact his wife is younger than his oldest daughter. And he is raised only $3 million so far…hmmm.

    The comment is not the pinnacle of Liberal thought; but look up the Wiki reference of Liberalism; why aren’t you one?

    “The 15 Senate Republicans who are leading the Capitol to the fiscal year’s fifth week without a budget argue that their intransigence is all about fiscal responsibility. But the details of their proposed cuts speak more about ideology. For example, they insist on cutting family planning, birth control and abortion from Medi-Cal services for girls who don’t have parental consent, effectively imposing on a portion of the population an abortion consent requirement that Californians have rejected at the ballot box twice in the last five years. Senate Republicans would eliminate CalWORKS payments for more than 150,000 children whose parents aren’t meeting their work requirements.”

    The Times writes, “The state’s method of drawing district lines exacerbates the problem. In order to guarantee themselves safe seats, Republicans agree to districts that increasingly segregate them from California’s mainstream. While their successful candidates become fewer in number, they move further to the right. That’s bad news not just for the GOP, but for a state that finds itself with only the Democrats setting the agenda — except at budget time, when everything falls apart.”

    The quotes from Jon in the pres make the conservative Republicans look like the Mafia; if any of the 15 strays, “they’ll learn the hard way….”

  9. Matt – Democrats have the decisive edge in voter registration. Look at the numbers of the assembly and the senate prove it.

    In that case, Dan, why not dissolve the Legislature and turn law-making authority over to the California Democratic Party Central Committee? If and when Congress flips back to GOP control, I’ll look forward to your commentary advocating unfettered majoritarianism.

    The quotes from Jon in the pres make the conservative Republicans look like the Mafia; if any of the 15 strays, “they’ll learn the hard way….”

    Then I’m sure you’re also lecturing your brethren in the Left blogosphere over their “Mafia-like” attitude toward Dem politicians who are insufficiently left-wing and anti-war.

    But the details of their proposed cuts speak more about ideology.

    And Democratic budget priorities AREN’T about ideology? You guys are too much.

    The comment is not the pinnacle of Liberal thought; but look up the Wiki reference of Liberalism; why aren’t you one?

    You’re the one who said “a lot of thought” went into the hackneyed “rich white guys” crack. As for the Wiki definition, it’s describing a liberalism that died looooooooong ago in the Democratic Party.

  10. Matt – I disagree with your assessment, but since we’re chatting about things that died long ago, when was the last time any Republican in Sac or DC actualy cut the size of government. Even Reagan didn’t do it. (Clinton/Gore did shrink th size of Giov to the levels from JFK’s admin though hhmmmm….)

    Great idea on turning over control to the Dems; can you have Ackerman et al quit please.

    I have yet to see the Daily Kos or Cindy Sheehan affecting the outcome of any Democratic election; and Lieberman is a Dem the same way Hagel is a Reep.

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