Seen at ComicCon: “Republicans for Voldemort 2008”

That was my favorite banner at the 2007 ComicCon in San Diego.  I took my kids and we always manage to meet some fun people at the show.


  1. And you know what? They make A LOT more sense than any of the craziness of the OC GOP booth here at the fair! They even have a cardboard cutout of The Dubya at their booth… Guess what I’d like to do with that… 😉

  2. I confess to still buying and reading comics. I have thousands. I read
    Frank Miller’s 1986 classic “The Dark Knight Returns” once a year and I always find something I didn’t notice before. For those who have read the book, the funhouse scene with the final battle between the Joker and Batman, a kid in a white T-shirt sees the Joker and says, “You’re the Joker right? Batman’s gonna kick your ass.” The Joker draws a bead on the kid when he hears Batman behind him. The Joker shoots and nicks Batman and escapes. A bleeding Batman holds his side and says to the kid, “son, watch….watch your language.” And then scurries off to fight the Joker. The kid’s T-shirt reads “Irvine, Calif.”

  3. Interesting tidbit on the T-shirt.
    But I have to question calling something published in 1986 a classic. Little Mikey was, what, 8 years old or so?

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