I have been dissecting Irvine Councilman Steven Choi’s press release and positioning statement for his candidacy for state assembly.
 This jumped out at me:
 I am running for the Assembly so I can introduce a fresh perspectives to Sacramento, help control State spending, represent local interests and stimulate international trade, particularly with Pacific Rim countries
Hmmmmmm. Helping control spending, which is why as a School board trustee, he advocated and voted for a huge increase in rent for the Irvine Chinese School. This massive rent hike, or let’s call it a Tax increase, led the school to decide to leave University High after being there for 20 years. I’m sure Irvine’s Chinese community appreciated that.
For someone who touts his strong record in education, he also voted against the Irvine Educational Partnership Fund when the program was launched.
I nearly forgot that both he and Christina Shea voted against tough new ethics standards posed by the City of Irvine Ethics Ordinance. Shea because she represents herself as a lobbyist on her website (or did) and Choi because he didn’t see how attaching his name to unethically reprinted copyrighted material that was edited negatively to call into question the ethics of Larry Agran, was in itself, unethical.
I wonder how successful an Assemblyman who wants to encourage trade with Pacific Rim countries will be by continuing to not support the U.S. Government’s own “One China†policy. Since the PRC already holds huge chunks of our national debt and represents an enormous market for California companies, the promoting trade and dissing “one China” seems to be yet another example of Dr. No talking from both sides of his mouth.
And Shawn Steel’s comments about Choi blocking unheathly policies from being enacted; gosh I’d like to know what. Since Choi and Shea vote NO about 95 percent of the time. I wish I could remember the exact issue this was about, but last year Choi interrupted an Irvine City Council meeting and was silenced through a parlimetary procedure; he made some comment about “when I’m mayor….” as though it was a foregone conclusion that he would someday be mayor and proving once again he has more in common with OUSD trustee Steven Rocco that he’d like to admit.ÂÂ
The comment led some city residents to believe he would run against Beth Krom last fall as he had a safe seat and would still be on council if he lost. Given the huge margin of victory Krom enjoyed over John Duong, I’m guessing Choi didn’t want to lose and then have to sit on the dais with Krom for the next two years.ÂÂ
Yes, Steven Choi is a pretty self serving guy in our community, you don’t buy Million Dollar Homes in Woodbury on a Librarians Salary, do ya…
Dave Harvey
Un-Pimping Irvine City Hall – One Day at a Time!
Tutor Mills
I call them Tutor Mills, small, large, on TV, Sylvan Learning Centers, it’s all the same.
Let’s intimidate the meek into thinking that if they pay us lots of money, their kiddies will be smarter, and be able to get a bigger fraudulent mortgage at New Century or Home 123, and buy a bigger overpriced house in Irvine.
“Let’s put 24 year old males [Slick Eddies] who want Viagra and a Pimp Ride [Porsches] – In Charge of Approving Million Dollar Mortgages for Overpriced Irvine Homes [LOL] – The AG Calls it Fraud – Home 123 – My Ass …”
Irvine is clearly Home to the scammers of America perhaps more so, than anywhere else, individual scammers, Municipal [City Hall] and Corporate Size Scammers Too.
Now were starting to see some cracks and holes in the system, better fasten your seatbelt…