In the latest issue of “Norby’s Notes,†an email newsletter that is written and distributed by Orange County Supervisor Chris Norby’s office, Norby talks about Orange County’s role in the medical marijuana debate.
At our April 17 meeting, the Orange County Board of Supervisors will consider policy options on medical marijuana. The Board is forced to find a narrow overlap between the will of California voters and federal law.
In 1996, California voters approved Prop. 215, which legalized marijuana for medical purposes, provided such use was approved by a physician or primary caregiver. Nearly 60% of OC and state voters passed Prop. 215, but the law has been ignored by federal authorities, who continue to enforce a blanket ban against all marijuana usage, even for dying cancer and AIDS sufferers.
It is interesting to see that Norby and Devore are looking more liberal on some issues that Democrats.
I am sympathetic with both the will of California voters and those whose terminal condition involves extreme nausea, which marijuana can relieve. I have received numerous emails supporting an enlightened and humane County policy.
Good for Norby. I hope he succeeds in getting the BoS to implement “an enlightened and humane County policy”. : )
Respect ing and regard for the rule of law, and legislation is not being liberal. Norby and Devore are a stand for upholding the rule of law. That’s contrary to support of judges and law enforcement agencies legislating from the bench.