Jubal over at Red County/OCBlog has this post that you’ve gotta see. It seems that Trung not only has many faces, but with the help of Photoshop, he can be anywhere he wants to be.
Trung Nguyen Photoshopped Into Picture With Schwarzenegger
Well, it seems that Trung has hidden, or removed, all of his photos from his website gallery. Unfortunately for Trung that cannot stop the crack Photoshop team over here at TheLiberalOC.com from creating the one image he forgot to create for his 1st District campaign.
Oh crap! He really did remove all of those photos that I was making fun of. I wonder why.
Maybe he’ll photoshop himself in at the Saddam hanging.
Next week is the last week of the election. Better do it quickly Trung! Time’s a wastin’.
The one pic looks like “Where’s Waldo” graphic.
Good go Chris
why his hand look dark not like his face , humm fate , arfrican body and vietnamese face hohoho
It was a bad mistake from one of his volunteer worker who was removed . I strongly believe that Attorney Trung is the right person for that job. He has done so much for us and our children in the past.
Come on Andy, do you really expect us to believe that no one higher than a “volunteer worker” signed off in approving this newspaper advertisement? Sloppy campaigning at best.
Good try to take a page from the Tan Nguyen playbook.
To compare this silly incident to Tan Nguyen’s scandal is more than a stretch. Whether or not it was a volunteer who was responsible does not really matter. It was a bad move by Trung’s campaign, but that’s as far as it goes.
Janet’s racist rant on the other hand…
Trung’s involvement and contribution to the Vietnamese community in Southern CA stretch back over 15 yrs. Back when very few people knew, and Trung was just a fresh lawyer, one of his early volunteer effort as an attorney was to fight for and bring to light the plight of the late wave of Vietnamese refugees that were languishing in Singapore/Malaysia camps. He did it not for any public office, just because he cared. Look at his record. In terms of commitment and real contribution to the community, Trung’s record speaks for itself. Other candidate can talk the talk. Trung walks the walk.
I guess I wasn’t very clear – the initial incidents of Tan and Trung are very different in terms of scope and consequence. I was pointing out that the REACTIONS from them both was strangely similar – blame a nameless volunteer or someone peripherally involved in the campaign.
I think voters would have more respect for a candidate who takes full responsibility for mistakes that happen in his campaign. Nobody wants an elected official who merely passes the buck.
Smearing someone’s image doesnot strengthen yours. I don’t see any other Vietnamese candidates are better qualified than Mr. Nguyen, and hence the reason for these tremendous efforts of making a big deal out of such a trivial mishap. Voters should evaluate candidates based on what they have done for the community instead of listening to the “smearing” campaign, name calling, and bad jokes.
Finally, Linh V. has showed us how to elevate from below-the-belt punches, throwing stone from behind the mask, senseless mocks …. Let’s focus on who deserves your vote, who has the ability to lead, is responsible, has decency, who cares enough about the community, and strives to make it better.
Trung had disclosed on the newspaper today, even though it’s the volunteer mistake; that he did not even know of the pictures, nor they being sent out to the public/newspaper. He accepts full responsible of the volunteer’s mistake. That’s an action of a responsible, integrity and decent candidate. I have not seen these qualities from other candidates; have you?
I’ve been following this campaign since day one, and tell you all the truth, Trung Nguyen is still the one who would get my vote.
Please take the election seriously and vote for the right person who will most contribute to the counties. Trung Nguyen has the education, experience, character, integrity and heart to be voted.
Why does Mr. Trung Nguyen need that picture or why does he need to have photoshop done ?
He was there, at the even on that day. He fought for that Yellow Flag Movement. He does not need a photoshop picture done to get more votes. People are not easily fooled by just seeing that picture. Only the ones who do not know enough and make the wrong judgement depending on that one picture, and blowing the whole thing out of proportion. Do you need a photoshop picture of yourself done when you already have tons of them taken at the same spot ?
Is that how you determine to vote for someone is by looking at that picture ? or you probably should look at what he has done and his committments tor his Community.
Dont be a narrow minded person. You should know what Trung Nguyen did for the Vietnamese community, before making any wrong judgement against him. You cant make yourself look better by degrading somebody else’s image. You cant respect yourself for doing this.
To the Vietnamese bloggers who are commenting on this site. Thank you for your input. Speaking for myself, I have nothing personal against Tran Nguyen or Janet Nguyen. I find it to be beyond highly unlikely that a low level volunteer was responsible for the altered image placed in an advertisement for Mr. Nguyen. Having participated in numerous campaigns and having also run for office myself, I know that one of two people were responsible for this error in judgment; Trung Nguyen or his campaign manager/consultant. An advertisement simply does not get run without appropriate approval.
Making fun of a candidates mistakes is one of the things we do on the blogs. To a certain extent it is part of their appeal. I have made fun of both Janet Nguyen and Trung Nguyen. I believe those jabs have been justified. One of the hardest things for a candidate to do is admit to the voters that they are human and sometimes make mistakes.
Mr. Nguyen has allegedly taken responsibility for the actions of a “volunteer.” He needs to accept the fact that no one will accept anything other than saying that it was a stupid act that either he or his consultant initiated and apologize for those acts.
Janet Nguyen needs to do the same thing regarding the press release sent out on her behalf that was clearly intended to appeal to ethnic divisions between the Vietnamese and Latino communities. Some senior member of her campaign team, or Janet herself, approved the message that was sent out and most certainly was aware that the so called English translation released by her campaign spokesperson was in no way an accurate translation of the release.
The only appropriate comment from either candidate would be to say:
“I am personally responsible for all actions taken on my behalf by my campaign staff. What was done was wrong and inexcusable. I apologize to anyone who has been offended by this matter and want to assure the voters of the First District that this is not reflective of the campaign I wish to run and will not happen again.”
No blaming a volunteer, advertising agency, supporters of other candidates is appropriate.
If either candidate were to have done this, the attention they have brought to these gaffs would have evaporated after the first day. Sadly for them that did not happen, and there is no turning back the clock now. Their mistakes have now become the property of the community at large, and political fodder for bloggers.
“And that’s the way it is, January 30, 2007.”
Thanks for the clarification. I’ll give you that.
It seems logical to me though, that if Trung’s campaign has pictures of him at the event, then it must have truly been a mistake.
Taken in consideration that people speak highly of his consultant, I will take Trung’s word for it. After all, this isn’t usually the job of the candidate, but of the consultant instead.
If anything, the fact that this was blown out of proportion shows to me that other campaigns (Janet’s in particular) knows where Trung stands in the race. It would be illogical to attack him on something so silly otherwise. Agree?
On another note, isn’t Trung a Republican? There’s quite a lot of praise for a Republican in a liberal blog above this comment. Maybe his support crosses party lines?
I haven’t made up my mind yet, but between voting for someone who clearly has a problem with Mexicans (I’m Hispanic); someone who can’t decide which party to be in; a carpetbagger; or someone who sucks at photoshop, I would go with the latter.
Praise for Trung? Here? Point to it, please. I must have missed that post…and I certainly didn’t author it.
If the only difference between Janet, Trung, and Tom were those mentioned, then you’d have a decent point. But there are plenty of reasons an Orange County progressive voter should avoid voting for Trung Nguyen, including his melodramatic stance on the immigration issue, his constant reminder of his “support of Republican values,” his alignment with Daucher, Shroder, Van Tran, etc.
And, you haven’t made up your mind SGL? Really? Who are you working for right now?
The praises for Trung Nguyen on this blog were made by obvious supporters of Trung Nguyen. As you may have noticed, TheLiberalOC does not limit participation to “liberals” only. Many posters are Republican, some are Libertarian, some are Greens, and many are Decline to State voters.
From what I read on this and other Blogs, most people are not happy with the choices they have in the 1st District race. The voters in the first district have two choices on February 6th…
Pick a candidate to vote for, or live with the choice someone else has made for you. My suggestion is for 1st District voters to pick the best of the bunch, hold your nose if you have to, and vote. I personally think that Tom Umberg is a better choice than the other leading candidates, so I’m urging people to vote for him.
As a progressive, female, and liberal voter I would hope to have the space to leave my comments without anticipating judgment or flippant remarks. I know, who am I kidding- we’re “discussing” politics and sadly to say, it is above 95% of voting populous to have unbiased and nonpartisan remarks.
I’m going to be honest here and divulge the fact that I am a Democrat; reason being is that I admire and actually support a Republican candidate-a first for me.
Perhaps one day “we” as objective voters will know to look past comments such “republican values” with a negative connotation and realize that perhaps these candidates (who are human beings with spouses and children) might actually be noble people with positive intentions-regardless of their party, race, religion, etc. I’ve had (perhaps a naive) perception that being liberal equated with being open to change and open to diversity.
I would be shocked if the individuals lamenting Trung Nguyen have actually met him. Trung not only has the intellect, well-rounded experience, and a fresh eye for the job, but most importantly (as I have had the opportunity to observe) an extremely kind heart and core. Running for political office brings out the beasts of society and it’s sad to see how good people, like Trung, must get dragged through a process- which was never created with party politics (of the present-day) in mind.
I hope he makes it; because if he does, it will be a good day for not only the Republicans, Democrats, conservatives, and liberals but a good day for Orange County.
It’s all too easy for an anonymous person to claim to be a Dem. for Trung. Your praise here does little for me.
And I have met Trung. He’s a very nice person, as are all of the candidates in this race that I’ve met. You claim that Trung is a victim to the “beast” of politics, but you haven’t mentioned anything about his contribution to that beast.
Dear mL,
It is of no consequence to me that you know I am a democrat and I am afraid that I do not have the time to try and give you examples of each candidate’s contribution to what has tainted this democratic system. And no, I am not saying everyone is perfect. Nonetheless, out of all of the candidates, I am confident that not only is Trung “nice”, but he has more integrity than a few of the other candidates in this race that I have encountered (obviously no candidate in their right mind would be anything but nice).
It is extremely difficult this day in age to determine the level of aptitude, intellect, and rectitude of a candidate during a race. I am basing my judgment (which you do not have to take, I understand) from more than a brief meeting and I have observed over time that he is more apt than others in the skills necessary for an insightful, sharp, and just county Supervisor.
This guy is a rat. Trying to gain noteriety by doctoring a photo of yourself right next to Arnie is unforgiveable (and a very poor photoshopping job at that). Seriously, this is very lame. Oh yes, if there is something wrong with the campaign flyers we blame it on the volunteer (a la Tan Nguyen). As if he himself did not look at those photos before it gets published on the newspaper or printed out on those flyers. I wish these idiots would take us seriously (like we do not notice that the photo was being tampered with) and themselves seriously (no one in their right mind would do this).