Looks like Tan Nguyen will end up with about 37% of the vote in his campaign against Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez. Slightly higher than I actually expected. But since Election Day he has pretty much disappeared.
Sources tell me that the investigation into the infamous letter continues. Tan is cooperating with investigators. And Barbara Coe of California Coalition on Immigration Refom (CCIR) might have more to do with the letter than initially suspected. Remember the letter was distributed with a “falsified” CCIR letterhead and return address.  And the “signer” was a college kid who had attended a CCIR event and signed in. Looking back, Ms. Coe’s denial that the CCIR was involved in drafting and mailing the letter did seem hollow at the time. It was a case of “we didn’t do it, but if we did what would be so wrong about it.”
Sounds like the title of a book…
“If I Did It”
What about Sergio Garcia? Doesn’t he have some sort of legal claim here. Hs name was attached to an awful letter. Can’t he sue Tan for fraud.
Maybe Tan is part of the search party that is looking for failed Pulido puppet Jennifer Villasenor? She too has been missing since Nov. 7…