Bustamante for Board?

What a shocker!  Santa Ana City Councilman Carlos Bustamante is running for the 1st District Sups seat that Correa will vacate in January December.

I posted about fundraisers that Santa Ana’s “rising star” was holding back in July: “Money for nothing.”

And now, Bustamante has officially announced his candidacy.  From the press release:

In announcing his candidacy Councilman Bustamante also announced his campaign team. The campaign Co-Chairmen are Board of Supervisors Chairman Bill Campbell and Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido. Former State Senator John Lewis and Matt Holder will be the campaign’s strategists and senior consultants, Phyllis Schneider will serve as fundraiser and Betty Presley will be the campaign’s Treasurer.

Campaign Co-Chairman Bill Campbell said the following regarding Bustamante’s candidacy, “I look forward to campaigning with Carlos during the next several months. I was elected in a similar special election four years ago and know Carlos has the energy to win this campaign and will be an outstanding guardian of taxpayer dollars on the Board of Supervisors.”

Councilman Bustamante noted his local support in announcing his candidacy, “In the past several days I have been gratified that so many community leaders have encouraged me to run for Supervisor. I have a great deal of respect for the position of County Supervisor and I would be honored to serve the people of the 1st District. I look forward to bringing my philosophy of limited government and fiscal accountability to County government.”

Carlos, 41, and his wife Adrianna have been married for nine years and they have two children.

The 1st Supervisor District includes the communities of Santa Ana, Westminster, Garden Grove and Midway City.


  1. “Sups seat that Correa will vacate in January” ?????

    The traditional day for swearing-in of Legislators is the first Monday in December – the 4th this year.

    Do you know something that the rest of us do not?



  2. Take some credit for calling this one early. Loooks like Correa might delay his swearing in as State Senator in order to finish some projects on the BOS.
    Your original “January” post might prove to be correct.

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