Here is another clip from Video the Vote, VideotheVote.org this one from Irvine. Similar problems as in Santa Ana, interestingly, this was allegedly a precinct with heavy Democrat and Decline to State registration. Irvine had a heated contest between Democrats and Republicans for control of the Irvine City Council.
CLICK HERE to view the video.
Chris, you can make a case for Neal getting the boot, but if you really think that it’s some mass conspiracy or that an individual or group of people have been intentionally trying to “stump” the vote, you’re nuts.
Nom de Guerre:
I said interesting; as in an interesting coincidence. I have no evidence of a conspiracy and therefore cannot prove there is one. But then I could not have conceived that a Republican Congressional candidate would send letters to Hispanic voters implying that they may be arrested if they vote.
I want people who show up to vote to be able to do so. When there appears to be a pattern in where problems occur I become suspicious. That does not mean my tin-foil hat fell off, it simply means I find the situation suspicious and I think it should be looked at. Maybe this is simply the case of incompetent administration of an election. Or maybe it is something more.
Of two things I am certain. The problems must be corrected and the question as to the integrity of our elections in Orange County should be investigated and resolved.