Orange County Election Update

Art Pedroza at The Orange Juice did a good job of giving us a rundown of the latest vote-count updates coming out of the County Registrar’s office.

From Art’s post:

Lou Correa finally had a good showing today as he made up half the difference with his Republican opponent, Lynn Daucher. Correa now has 50,072 votes while Daucher is still ahead with 50,433 votes. There are 6,200 ballots outstanding, and according to Red County/OC Blog, Daucher needs 47% of the remaining vote to tie, whereas Correa needs 53%. Ironically, those are the very margins they achieved today. There is no telling what will happen in this race.

Just a couple of days ago Art was saying that Daucher was a lock for the 34th. It looks like he may doubt that now.

Art goes on to give us updated numbers on Santa Ana, Capo Unified, a scandal in Orange, Westminster School Board, Garden Grove City Council, and Costa Mesa.

Read his post.

1 Comment

  1. “Hugh Hewitt is positioning lame duck Senator Rick Santorum for a spot on the US Supreme Court, should a spot open.”

    Buwhahahahahahaha! That is horrificly funny.

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