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Thomas Holguin- Not The Friend of the Latinos

October 5, 2010 44

Either way, this man is not the friend of the Latino community and his vote in 2007 shows he would sell immigrants and immigrants rights activists down the river in a heartbeat. His actions united Latino politicos from the left and the right alike, as you can see from viewing the videos HERE, with testimonials from Lou Correa, Jose Solorio and Alexandria Coronado, a team-up you are likely to never see again. Make your choices wisely this November and do NOT vote for Thomas “Hoagy” Holguin, he is not a friend of the Latino community.

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Dalati picks up some more endorsements in Anaheim

September 29, 2010 4

Rep. Loretta Sanchez, Assemblyman Jose Solorio, Councilwoman Lorri Galloway, the Orange County Labor Federation, the Democratic Party of Orange County and the Orange County Young Democrats have endorsed Bill Dalati for Anaheim City Council. “I am honored to receive countywide endorsements,” Dalati said. “With such tremendous support, I’m looking forward to winning this race to make Anaheim a better place for everybody.”

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Young Democrats Announce Endorsements

September 10, 2010 1

The Orange County Young Democrats yesterday voted to endorse local Democrats who are running for local office. At last night’s endorsement meeting in Orange, dozens […]

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Senator Lou Correa Endorses Anaheim City Council Candidate John Leos

September 1, 2010 14

John Leos, although not a bureaucrat or business-as-usual politician, is the city council candidate who has real-world experience with pension reform. His vision for Anaheim includes providing taxpayers with transparency and accountabilityby auditing management ranks. If the voters in November honor him with a seat on the council, he will work to preserve and protect essential city services.

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John Leos For Anaheim City Council Kick Off Event A Success

April 12, 2010 6

John Leos spoke of how his father’s hard work as a cement mason made it possible for him live in a good neighborhood and attend fine Anaheim schools, which in turn nurtured his desire to serve his country and community. His unique perspective, being 4th generation American through his great-grandparents, and 1st generation through his parents, and his work and experience in resolving issues at the county level, gives him, he said, an appreciation of the need to work with both sides of the aisle to effectively resolve issues and avoid gridlock.

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John Leos Announces Anaheim City Council Candidacy

March 17, 2010 5

When asked recently how he proposes to best serve the immediate needs of Anaheim residents, he responded, “Jobs, jobs, and jobs.” This, he said, would be his very first priority upon assuming office. Further, Leos intends to “stimulate business growth and the resort area.”