John Leos For Anaheim City Council Kick Off Event A Success

Daly, Leos & Brandman

On April 7th John Leos held his Kick-off fundraiser event at the Servite High School Theater Lobby.About 100 supporters including Anaheim Mayor Pro Tem Harry Sidhu, OC Clerk-Recorder Tom Daly, Jordan Brandman of the AUSD and former Westminster police chief Andy Hall attended (Senator Lou  Correa was called away to Sacramento and unable to attend.) Also represented were the Anaheim Municipal Employees Assocation, Orange County Employees Association(OCEA) , and OCEA General Manager Nick Berardino, who gave the Leos a warm introduction. 

John Leos gave a lively and well-received speech drawing on his Anaheim background. He spoke of how his father’s hard work as a cement mason made it possible for him live in a good neighborhood and attend fine Anaheim schools, which in turn nurtured his desire to serve his country and community.  His unique perspective, being 4th generation American through his great-grandparents, and 1st generation through his parents, and his work and experience in resolving issues at the county level, gives him, he said, “an appreciation of the need to work with both sides of the aisle to effectively resolve issues and avoid gridlock.”

About the current economic environment, Mr. Leos spoke of the current lack of a sense of security and stability in Anaheim. The primary message he gets from various groups he speaks with is the need for jobs and more jobs. His priority on the council would be to collaborate with community, the city, and business to resolve these issues. In particular, he addressed the perception that the state is not very business friendly. But Leos believes the City of Anaheim can change that perception of itself by identifying and removing unnecessary obstacles and becoming kinder to business here. He stressed Anaheim’s role as economic innovator and economic engine in Orange County. John Leos wants to change the view of government as an ivory tower. He pointed out that the foundation for any such tower is made up of hardworking families and middle class, and government must account for its voice and concerns. These form the foundation for the community’s economic health and vitality.

He then promised to champion the cause of education, to be a voice and conduit of efforts between different groups to do all the council is capable of in doing for the community in this area. He concluded by speaking of the interrelationship between the quality of education and the attractiveness it fosters for potential home-buyers. He finished his speech by assuring his audience of his effort and determination, and how this is needed to achieve success in November.

Mr. Leos also holds public safety in high regard and will work to improve public safety in Anaheim by combating blight, in that way sending the criminal element a message that their unwholesome activities are unwelcome in Anaheim.


  1. Daly, Brandman and Sidhu are his supporters – not exactly progressives, and they are definitely not liberals. None of them have a backbone and worse yet Sidhu is a right winger. Leos is a Republican as well. Leos seems likable enough, but if he is leaning on these three for advice, he won’t get my support.

    • Really? None of them are liberals? Well I’ll be darned. What’s the name of this blogsite again? SpokeholeOC?

  2. Well Brandman is relatively new, and could possibly prove to be a liberal some day: but he’s more tied to Poll Guard Pringle than the Dems. Sidhu is a complete Right Wing nut case, and then there is our friend Tom Daly. Show me 5 things Daly has done in his entire political career (spaning two decades) that a true liberal elected would be proud of. Good Luck.

    I think The Liberal OC is great, but please tell me there is more to being a liberal than having your name mentioned on this blogsite.

  3. Tom Daly has a long record of being consistently pro-labor. As a Democrat in a predominantly Red County, he has shown effectiveness is building coalitions across party lines. You want 5 things? My question is why stop at 5?

  4. Dan I think your a reasonable person and to a degree I do appreciate you sticking up for Dems. That being said, I have been directly involved with organized labor here in OC and specifically in Anaheim since the mid 1980’s, I know Tom Daly’s relationships with organized very well, and the the history is not good – in fact its pretty bad. The same with Daly and the Hispanic community. There is plenty documented regarding these issues and Daly. I’ll leave it at that. Perhaps we should talk.

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