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Our Picks in Irvine and Tustin

November 1, 2010 0

It is without surprise that we endorse Mayor Sukhee Kang for re-election, Larry Agran to return to the Irvine City Council and commissioner Shiva Farivar […]

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Irvine Republicans in Disarray

October 29, 2010 12

In the kerfluffel between Irvine city council candidate and city council member Christina Shea, Irvine Republican “insiders” are declaring Shea “toast” as she leaves office.  […]

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Lalloway won’t resign

October 25, 2010 3

We received an email tonight from Irvine council candidate and Finance Commissioner Jeff Lalloway.  He’s not resigning. “I have no intention of resigning and abandoning […]

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Happy Birthday Larry Agran

February 2, 2010 2

The man those on the right love to hate is celebrating a birthday today.  Democrats who support him are sometimes accused of “blind loyalty” but […]