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Our Picks in Irvine and Tustin

November 1, 2010 0

It is without surprise that we endorse Mayor Sukhee Kang for re-election, Larry Agran to return to the Irvine City Council and commissioner Shiva Farivar […]

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Scenes from the IPSF Gala

September 10, 2010 0

Tonight’s sold out Irvine Public Schools Foundation Gala was the place to see and be seen in Irvine this Friday night and attracted a big crowd […]

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Young Democrats Announce Endorsements

September 10, 2010 1

The Orange County Young Democrats yesterday voted to endorse local Democrats who are running for local office. At last night’s endorsement meeting in Orange, dozens […]

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Orange County Support for Proposition 15 California Fair Elections Act

March 3, 2010 1

Since 2000, over $1 billion has been raised by California politicians, buying special interests unprecedented access but shutting out the rest of us. That’s why polls show nearly three out of four voters want to change the way elections in California are financed. “The California Fair Elections Act will be a big win for California’s citizens,” said Irvine Mayor Pro Tem Larry Agran. “In the seven states that have fair elections systems, legislators were able to pass good laws to benefit their constituents instead of spending half their time raising money for the next campaign. The California Fair Elections Act will put Sacramento back to work for California.”