Rep. Min Slams Elon Musk for “Repeatedly and Blatantly Breaking the Law” During Press Conference, Floor Speech

Rep. Dave Min
Rep. Dave Min

Rep. Min: “[Elon Musk] has broken the law time and time again. This cannot stand. He must be held accountable. He must be made to pay. We must enforce the law.”

Washington, D.C. — Yesterday, Representative Dave Min (CA-47), alongside other Senators and Representatives at the Treasury Department, called on Elon Musk to be held accountable for his illegal actions and for violating the privacy of Americans across the country.

Watch the full press conference here (Rep. Min begins speaking at 39:38).


  • “We’re here because Elon Musk, an unelected billionaire, is repeatedly and blatantly breaking the law… Musk has claimed powers that even the president does not hold, including the power to quote, ‘delete agencies’ that he doesn’t like. Agencies that Congress created and funded. Now, who the hell gave Elon Musk these authorities? No one.
  • “Why does Elon Musk want to take control of the payments system? That’s the $64 trillion question. And we know why. Because he made clear that he wants to cut $2 trillion from our budget. Now, if you look at our budget, there’s no $2 trillion to cut unless you massively cut Social Security and Medicare, and that is what he’s after. And now he has the ability to shut off your Social Security and Medicare and any payments he wants with the flip of a switch.”
  • “[Elon Musk] has broken the law time and time again. This cannot stand. He must be held accountable. He must be made to pay. We must enforce the law.”

Representative Min also delivered a floor speech calling out Musk for gaining unauthorized “access to the personal information of every American who’s received a Social Security check, tax refund, or any other government payment.” Watch his floor speech here.



1 Comment

  1. I suggest Dave Min just go have a drink or three, keep his head down and just get the f*ck out of the way. Irrelevance is not a good look on Dave Min. Musk is a national hero for exposing and dismantling the insidious progressive agenda that permeates our soon to be dismantled deep state shadow govt composed of ideologues that are striving to finish the job Mao started during
    His “Great Leap Forward” and “ Cultural Revolution” . Cultural Marxism and socialist ideals will soon be tossed on the dustbin of American history. Perhaps Howard Zinn or the other leftist revisionists will publish a history of the failure of progressive ideology in America. To do otherwise would just be more iof the intellectual dishonesty that oozes out of the progressive biomass.

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