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Sanchez Campaign Launches New GOTV Ad featuring President Bill Clinton

October 22, 2010 1

“I am thrilled to have the support of President Clinton and my friends and neighbors in Orange County,” said Rep. Sanchez. “But that support is meaningless if we don’t turn out to vote on Election Day. On November 2nd, head to the polls to make sure your vote counts. And remember you can avoid the long lines on Election Day by voting early.”

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Around South County: Bill Clinton, Sanchez, Krom, Fox, and more…

October 11, 2010 2

As I continue to travel around South County on my listening tour, I have been hungry for news on the election front. As it stands today, unless one looked at the actual signs, you wonder if an election actually existed. There is news, though: Giuliani is coming to OC to campaign for Van Tran and Carly Fiorina. But, there is also a bigger start coming to town too: Bill Clinton!!!