Jerry Brown announced the terrific news today that President Bill Clinton will join him and Gavin Newsom, Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor, on the campaign trail on October 15 and 17, which should effectively kill Meg Whitman’s phony innuendoes of a Clinton-Brown feud.
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Brown announced at a press conference, “I am very pleased to have the endorsement of President Clinton, and I look forward to campaigning with him and with Gavin Newsom. President Clinton accomplished a lot for California, and we have a ticket that will accomplish a lot for California’s future.”
In recent weeks, billionaire Republican Meg Whitman has lavished her fortune on an tabloid-style exploitive TV ad campaign, including one spot featuring grainy 1992 footage of Bill Clinton and Jerry Brown engaging in typical presidential-race rhetoric.
Despite a few regrettable stump words by ever-frank Brown in reaction to the 1992 clip, President Bill Clinton graciously endorsed Jerry Brown for governor, and will appear with him and San Francisco Mayor Newsom in a series of October campaign stops.
In short, there is NO Clinton-Brown feud. Although truth-challenged Meg Whitman continues to run the misleading ad… of course.
That Clinton would campaign for Gavin Newsom is no surprise. Newsom was an early endorser and staunch supporter of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 president candidacy, and both Bill and Hillary Clinton have shown remarkable appreciation for her supporters.
Said Newsom today at the press conference, “Over the years, I’ve enjoyed a close working relationship with President Clinton and I’m honored to have his continued support in my campaign for Lieutenant Governor.”
Check here for details of locations and times of joint Clinton-Brown-Newsom campaign stops in October. will post the info as soon as available.
Bill Clinton & Gavin Newsom – a fine pair of horn-dogs.
Is Gavin the wingman?