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Shawn Nelson tries to have his “liberal” cake and eat it too.

June 17, 2010 0

Back on June 4th I wrote about how Shawn Nelson had surprisingly shifted his anticipated support for the proposed Coyote Hills development in Fullerton. For those who needed more proof of his duplicity I read yesterday in the Voice Of OC that Nelson, during his final meeting as a Fullerton councilman, asked his colleagues to hold a special meeting so that he could reconsider the matter.

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Crime Victims Blast Nelson for Cover-Up

May 26, 2010 0

At a press conference in Fullerton this morning leaders of Crime Victims United of California today blasted Shawn Nelson for his cover-up of web solicitations advising convicted sex offenders. Nelson admitted his law firm’s ads about avoiding Megan’s Law registration requirements were just a way to boost his site’s ranking on Google.

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Does He or Doesn’t He?

May 26, 2010 5

This post started as a commetary of Fullerton city council member Shawn (B.S.) Nelson’s “no” vote on the Coyote Hills development project.  For those Fullerton […]