The Fight for Coyote Hills Happens Tonight


(photo from OC Register)

The Fullerton City Council will decide the fate of Coyote Hills tonight at a city council meeting at Fullerton City Hall.  The question at hand is will Fullerton’s last true open space — Coyote Hills — remain open space or will it turn into an Anaheim Hills-style development of high end homes?

More than 200 Fullerton residents attending the last council meeting that dealt with the issue were very much for the side of no development.  So it’s going to be interesting to see how Shawn Nelson, Fullerton council member and long time recipient of developer dollars, will vote — with the residents of Fullerton or for developers.  The vote is a telling one for Nelson because if he votes to develop the Hills, it says he is disregarding the will of voters and residents of Fullerton and that his vote is pretty much for sale.