Back on June 4th I wrote about how Shawn Nelson had surprisingly shifted his anticipated support for the proposed Coyote Hills development in Fullerton, so that he would be able to tout his environmental and liberal credentials in a campaign mailer. For those who needed more proof of his duplicity I read yesterday in an article on the Voice Of OC that Nelson, during his final meeting as a Fullerton City Council member, asked his colleagues to hold a special meeting, the day before he takes office as County Supervisor, so that the Council could reconsider the matter.
Lucky for us, his colleagues didn’t take the bait. But he did manage to provide Harry Sidhu with one more example for the voters as to why Nelson should not be given a full term on the Board of Supervisors. I wonder if the fact that the Register endorsed Nelson has anything to do with the fact that they seem to have missed this story.
Sorry Shawn, you can’t have your cake and eat it too.