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Supervisor’s Nelson and Moorlach Fail Their Own Pension Reform Integrity Test

August 13, 2010 4

Shawn Nelson had the opportunity, as did Pat Bates and John Moorlach at the time they were elected as County Supervisors, to choose whether to opt in to the County Retirement system. Both Shawn Nelson and John Moorlach made the choice, despite their very vocal opposition to public employee pension plans, to take the very benefit they so strongly oppose.

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State Workers Behind Immigration List

July 16, 2010 0

Earlier this week in Utah, a list of 1,300 people with their personal addresses, social security numbers and family memebers were sent out to media outlets, law enforcement agencies and other random targets. This got the state of Utah to investigate. It turns out two state employees who work in the department that issues food stamps and other social services are behind the list. You can read the story HERE.

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Supervisors approve 2010-2011 county budget

June 29, 2010 1

The new budget includes 36 fewer employee positions than in FY 09-10, continuing a trend that has resulted in a decrease of more than 1,000 County employee positions since FY 07-08. In recognition of the impact of the continuing economic downturn on the County, the Board of Supervisors also extended through December 16, 2010 a resolution authorizing elected officials to contribute five percent of their salary to the County and extended a 5% pay reduction for County executive managers.

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Shawn Nelson’s First Day as a Supervisor

June 22, 2010 6

Today is the day that Shawn Nelson take the 4th District Supervisor seat vacated by Chris Norby. Nelson will fill the unexpired portion of Norby’s term, whichwilll end with the year. Nelson will jump right into things when he takes his oath first thing at today’s Board meeting. Next week Nelson will have his first major vote, the approval of county budget.