Tammy Kim Civilly Sued over District 5 Eligibility; Papers Served at Her District 3 Address

Tammy Kim's Thanksgiving at her District 3 Home
Tammy Kim’s Thanksgiving at her District 3 Home where she was served with a civil lawsuit on Wednesday regarding her District 5 residency


Tammy Kim has a mid-Januarys birthday; she’s cancelled her birthday fundraiser at the Pizza Press on Barranca in Woodbridge a couple days ago.  And Wednesday, she got an unwelcome birthday gift.

Kim was served with a civil lawsuit on behalf of former GOP mayoral candidate Ron Scolesdang by the Sacramento-based law law firm of Bell, McAndrews and Hiltachk challenging her eligibility to be a candidate for Irvine City Council in District 5.  The firm says Kim does not live in District and never has.

Kim was served at her District 3 condo, not her second District 5 address (tell me where you live without telling where you live); sources tell me she contacted the police to complain about the process server, who waited at her address to serve the lawsuit, which the process server can legally do.

Sources also tell TheLiberalOC that OCDA Todd Spitzer is reviewing the PI’s report and has a copy of the civil suit paperwork.  Copies were also sent to the US Attorney’s office in Santa Ana.  Sources would not say is criminal charges were forthcoming.  If Kim were to withdraw from the race, it would not affect the civil lawsuit or possible criminal charges.

District 2 council member William Go has already removed Kim as his finance commissioner after two months and has named Rus Phanvong as Kim’s replacement.  Phanvong is a District 2 resident.

The DPOC and Democrats of Greater Irvine need to reconsider if they are standing by Kim or will withdraw their endorsements.


  1. How is the DPOC still standing behind this fraud? She made a deal with candidate Ada Briceño maybe to endorse one another. Doesn’t matter. Tammy needs to go!

  2. As a long-time member and one-time president of Democrats of Greater Irvine, as well as a one-time member of the Central Committee, it is shocking to me that they continue to support Tammy. I have, due to age and other important roles on behalf of the ADA and disabled access, pretty much withdrawn from active political roles, and I had hoped that passing the flag on to younger members would be effective, but this is really shameful. I’m not really sure that I understand why Tammy continues as a Democrat. She seems to be more of the political class that is in it for self aggrandizement.

  3. Our rules specify that when we have a non-binary candidate or officer, the non-binary individual is counted as neither male nor female, and the remaining six offices must be gender balanced with the results of the previous four elections.”



      • This time around, prepare to hear it repeatedly. Your ideology sucks. The left, with the assistance of academia and the mainstream media has embedded cultural Marxism into the mainstream of American cultural consciousness. Conservatives just let it slowly eat away at our society. The left saw an opening due to the indifference of the right and the general assumption that if we gave in on a few things, the left would be satisfied and calm down. That only emboldened the left. They went hard for implementation of their utopian dreamworld.. and were really making good progress until…. Now.

        We are going to unwind and trash all of the insane objectives of the left and put you back to square one.

        After the Dems finally regain power, they will have to rebuild the dreamworld in broad daylight with the entire country looking on and own each and every initiative that advance. This time, America will be watching and they will have to clearly define who they are and what they stand for.

        I can’t wait for the Dems in congress to try a shut down the govt. it will be completely clear who owns it this time around and they will only accomplish what Trump
        Is trying to achieve.

        But this time, no retroactive pay.

        Sit home and wait for Chuck Shumer and Hakim Jeffries to break. Because they will. They have no choice.

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  1. Irvine: Tammy Kim Removed From City Commission, Served With Subpoena, Cancels Campaign Fundraiser - OC Independent

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