Weiss campaign does what they said Baugh would do

photo courtesy of The Daily Beast
photo courtesy of The Daily Beast

Anyone paying attention to those supporting Joanna Weiss’s campaign for Congress in CA-47 has seen the social media threads warning that she must win the primary because the Scott Baugh campaign will do nothing but air commercials with videos from State Senator Dave Min’s May 2023 DUI arrest.  Baugh hasn’t done that.  Weiss has, proving the notion you go negative when your positives can’t go higher.

The ad is on YouTube.  Here it is.

Weiss tweeted about trust before posting the video; she wrote:  As a mom, I’ve taught my kids that trust matters. Building a grassroots org to elect pro-choice candidates, I saw what happens when we have leaders we can trust and those we can’t. I hear it every day from voters. In Congress, I’ll always lead with trust. It matters.

Let’s talk about trust for a minute.

Weiss told DPOC Central Committee members last summer she would move into the district that summer, which turned into that fall, which turned into mid-December so her family Xmas cards posted the Corona Del Mar street address but not the number of the nearly $8,000 a month apartment she’s renting.  I have to ask: a month to month lease or a whole year?  Is there nice furniture in there or folding chairs and a card table? Any food in the fridge?  Do the kids share a room?

Weiss claimed credit for a bill — passed by Dave Min — to bar gun sales on government property.  It was a bullet in a brochure.  Min made it real.

I’d still like details on how a 15-year old girl from Mission Viejo fasted and marched with Cesar Chavez in Delano in 1988, the last time Chavez did both; or was that the high school program where students fasted in the morning and ate lunch with friends in the high school cafeteria?

I’d still like to hear the denial that the Weiss campaign benefits from her husband’s work on behalf of the Archidocese of Orange as a lawyer defending the church on child sex abuse.  The Daily Beast story was eye-opening with many charges of sexism and mysogyny directed at the writer and the publication, but no denial.  And a false accusation from the campaign that Min planted the story, in which the publication took an extraordinary step to report they had no contact with Min or his campaign.  Can the campaign tell the truth when the Daily Beast says they lied?

And since we’re talking about trust, one of the commenters on the Tweet is @inminivanhell who wrote; “I’m so damn tired of being told we cannot hold people accountable from our own party, while simultaneuosly demanding Republicans told their members accountable. If you can’t be trusted, you shouldn’t be voted for. Period.”   She failed to disclosed she’s on the payroll of the Weiss for Congress Campaign, having made the announcement about her “new job” last fall.  Should her words be trusted or did she earn her check?

So how did Min respond to this new ad?  He didn’t.  He announced an endorsement from law enforcement:

Dave Min and Daughter

The Fraternal Order Of Police Endorses Dave Min
Law Enforcement Trusts Sen. Dave Min

IRVINE, CA — Today, the Fraternal Order of Police is announcing their endorsement of Dave Min for California’s 47th Congressional District. FOP is the fourth public safety organization to support Min, following endorsements from the Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs (ALADS), Los Angeles Police Protective League (LAPPL), and Police Officers Research Association of California (PORAC), the state’s largest police association. Dave Min is trusted not only by law enforcement, but also teachers, school employees, labor, gun prevention advocates. 

“Dave Min is public safety’s choice for CA-47,” said Roger Hilton, President of the California Fraternal Order of Police. “Sen. Min has always ensured that law enforcement and first responders have the tools they need to keep Southern California’s families safe and secure. We know he’ll be our advocate in DC, and we look forward to working with him.”

The California FOP represents over 20,000 law enforcement officers. Founded in 1915, the FOP seeks to increase the efficiency of the law enforcement profession and thus more firmly to establish the confidence of the public in the service dedicated to the protection of life and property. Backed by the FOP and PORAC, Dave Min is now endorsed by each of Orange County’s law enforcement departments. Public safety officers trust Dave Min to continue the work he’s done in the State Senate to keep our families safe and our communities secure. 

This endorsement builds on Senator Min’s incredible momentum in his campaign to keep this seat Blue. Last week, Min received the coveted endorsement of the Los Angeles Times. He is also endorsed by outgoing Rep. Katie Porter, as well as the California Democratic Party, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the National Education Association, the American Federation of Teachers, California Environmental Voters, and over 150 local, state, and federal officials. Min is the unanimous choice of organized labor in this race, as he is the only candidate to receive support from national, statewide, and local unions, and he is the only candidate endorsed in this race by the California Labor Federation or the AFL-CIO. A full endorsement list is available here


And earlier in the week, Congresswoman Katie Porter re-inserted herself in the Min campaign with a letter encouraging voters to cast a ballot for Min.  I guess this means Katie trusts Dave.



  1. You failed to mention that the Weiss campaign has improperly and unethically (if not illegally) coordinated campaign messaging and/or campaign events with two PACs: Emilys List and WAVE, the latter of which Joanna Weiss founded and remained the administrator of their social media accounts many months after she announced her campaign.

    • I see Sal Rodriguez has chimed in for the OC Register which still won’t acknowledge his mysogystic, racist and homophonic screeds as a college “stand up comedian” who was never funny

  2. I am endorsing Max Ukropina.
    Just because Min doesn’t care to own a gun (and neither do I) doesn’t mean he speaks for “the vast majority of Americans” on any issue. Where is Min defending children’s rights to attend school (lockdowns of 2020-22) and not take a plethora of dangerous shots starting at birth? How many of us lost our livelihoods during Newson’s pandemic?
    Weiss’ cheap shot at Min’s DUI was out done by her own wet suit romp!

  3. Not owning a gun and approving of taking away another’s mode of food provision or self defense are different. The 56% of non gun owners may approve of responsible firearm posession for others. Besides, the 44% of admitted gun owners statistic is debateable.

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