1. Greg Diamond has weighed in on a number of things you have to admire someone who suggests a story with no evidence but I’ll try. One I don’t do Ada Briceño’s bidding; she is a friend who loves my wife for putting in a union for Forbes writers And I was invited to Jordan Brandman’s memorial service and was embraced by Jordan’s dad Michael. Jordan was always my friend but he was savaged by the guys who run the OJ blog

    • That cat Diamond is off his rocker. Off his rocker, DESPERATE for attention.

      I am given to understand that Greg sent a 20,000 missive to DA Spitzer with more mis spellings and poor legal reasoning than the JL Report.

      He is the laughing stock of the DA’S office. Well actually, the laughing stock of everyone.

  2. Vern is desperately deflecting blame for his actions. In true cowardly fashion he blames his poor wife.


    Donna gave herself a black

    Lorri Galloway accused him of rape because she hates Donna???

    Donna “trolled” Audrie. Vern’s drinking is to blame….Not good Vern.

    Donna came to Chapter One to speak about…..Her husband being accussed of rape.

    He called a Cuban Refugee “Ricky Retardo” because of punk rock friends. Does that mean you can call Obama a Ni&&er because you watched Blazing Saddles?

    Let crazy Eric make a name for himself at the OJB. They deserve one another.

    Man up you spineless coward.

    Speaking of chicken shit, can you believe Dellusional Diamond still defending Julio Perez ( a 400 pound 40 year old man giving a 19 year old girl a DVD of PORNOGRAPHIC videos. Lorena Moreno must be so proud to have had him as a Padrino at her daughter’s Quincenera.

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