Planned Parenthood Backs Khan for OC Supervisor

Farrah Khan
Farrah Khan

The Planned Parenthood Community Action Fund of Orange & San Bernardino Counties has officially endorsed Farrah Khan for OC Board of Supervisors. This endorsement demonstrates a shared commitment to advocating for the health and well-being of all residents, particularly regarding reproductive healthcare and women’s rights. This is especially important in a race against Supervisor Wagner, who has repeatedly voted against a woman’s right to choose and has continued to put women’s health at risk.
“Planned Parenthood has been a crucial voice in advancing access to affordable healthcare services and ensuring that individuals have the power to make their own healthcare decisions,” said Khan.  “With their support, we can continue championing these vital causes and work towards a more inclusive and equitable Orange County.

Khan was recently endorsed by the Democratic Party of Orange County.



1 Comment

  1. If Planned Parenthood is so wonderful, how come Irvine doesn’t have a clinic? Young women waste their prime childbearing years when they destroy their baby. Abortion raises a woman’s chance of developing breast cancer. Any spiritual leader who promotes abortion is sacrilegious. Planned Parenthood enables disgusting men who want no consequences for their dalliances. With Newsom outlawing hand-counting ballots, Orange County is an unsafe place for babies.

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