I generally have a policy when I’m filling out my ballot. If I don’t care for the Democrat in the race, I don’t cast a vote for the Republican candidate. I just blank my ballot on that particular election. And that’s not going to be an issue for me when it comes to the Huntington Beach City Council race, and in particular Democratic candidates Oscar Rodriguez and Gina Clayton Tarvin.
On paper, both appear to be great candidates and both have done considerably good work for their communities. But even if I lived in HB, I wouldn’t vote for either.
In Rodriguez’s case, it’s his behavior during a court hearing I personally witnessed. In Tarvin’s case, its comments she’s made about active shooting case on school campuses and her attempts to control not only how “facts” could be verified and a complete absence of any sort of record to verify her claims.
I’ll start with Oscar. In 2020, I attended a court hearing on misdemeanor child endangerment charges filed against Rodriguez’s close friend, Victor Valladares. One of Victor’s kids found a large jack knife at Victor’s residence and took the knife. The kid brought it to school and told a friend who told a teacher who told school administrators who got the police involved. Charges were filed against Victor (which were later fully dismissed). Rodriguez attended the hearing as well and sat directly behind Victor’s ex-wife (the kid’s mom). He held up a cell phone behind her head; court officials did not see this. When Victor’s hearing was over, Victor’s ex-wife left he court room and Rodriquez followed her out, cell phone out, walking closely behind her presumably taping her movements. It was a deliberate act of intimidation and harassment. It was mean-spirited. It was bullying behavior.
I have reached out to Rodriguez twice for a statement regarding his behavior. He did not respond.
A reader sent me a Video of Gina Clayton-Tarvin and you can view it here.
For the most part, the video mimics my own research. An active school shooter in the nation’s second largest media market should warrant news coverage. The Los Angeles Times and Long Beach Press Telegram have a considerable online archive for searching. Public records requests I have made to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department revealed no supporting records. My one issue with the video is Clayton-Tarvin’s comments to me were about Fedde Middle School in Hawaiian Gardens not an elementary school.
There’s absolutely no news coverage of an active shooter on the campus of a middle school in Hawaiian Gardens during the timeframe Clayton-Tarvin worked there. None.
Clayton-Tarvin tells me school records are tossed after two years, the administrators won’t answer questions unless it’s a public records questions, the Hawaiian Garden police department is disbanded and there are no records there and I’m supposed to take the word of one friend who taught at the school with her who says its true.
Now I’m certain she participated in active shooter drills. But there are no records of an active shooter on the campus of Fedde Junior High as Clayton-Tarvin describes. I believe she was caught up in the moment of the Parkland FL shooting and made a claim that doesn’t hold water. If anyone has a news clipping regarding an active shooter on the campus of Fedde Middle School in Hawaiian Gardens from 1995 to 2005, please post a link or a screen grab in the comments.
But here is her exact response to the question I posed to her in 2018:
Gina sent March 3, 2018
As a 22-year public school teacher in Los Angeles County and elected school board official in Orange County for the past 5 years; I know that gun violence on school campuses is becoming all too common in our nation. I was horrified to learn that yet another school shooting had occurred, this time in Parkland, Florida. This heinous act of mass murder has shaken the entire country to its core. I shudder at the thought of something like this occurring on one of our local campuses. We need to take precautions to safeguard students. As a junior high school teacher in Hawaiian Gardens from 1995 to 2005, I experienced multiple occurrences that forced students and teachers to lie down on the floor and shelter in place during “lockdowns.” I have huddled on the floor holding my breath in silence, lights out, and heart pounding with 35 scared kids because of threats of a gunman on campus. (editor’s note: Threats of a Gunman on campus are different than an actual Gunman on Campus) Gang and other crime activity are all too real and common in Hawaiian Gardens. We locked down too many times due to suspects with loaded weapons on campus, and a shooting adjacent to our classrooms. (editor’s note: I found one news story of a stabbing victim in a park adjacent to the school) The brave officers of the now closed Hawaiian Gardens Police Department were there to respond, protect, and secure the campus, safeguarding students and staff while apprehending suspects. Due to their bravery, students were protected. These incidents were not widely reported. However, just in the past several weeks since the shooting in Florida, multiple threat incidents have been reported to the LA County Sheriff’s Department and student arrests have occurred. Luckily, all of the threats have been deemed as non-credible, but frightening nonetheless. In Huntington Beach, one threat was made to an OVSD school, but deemed non-credible after the fact by HBPD. Nevertheless, we must remain vigilant. While I am a supporter of the Second Amendment, I can’t ignore the realities of today’s world. I am an ardent supporter of stricter gun laws that would prevent the sale of military type AR-15 weaponry and bump stock ammunition. In line with the California Education Code, I do not support teachers arming themselves or keeping guns in their classrooms. It is illegal for any firearm to be on school grounds. Luckily in ABCUSD where I teach, and OVSD where I govern, we have multiple trainings per year on active shooter scenarios as well as participating in lockdown scenarios. In fact in OVSD, “Run, Hide, Fight” training has been given by HBPD to all staff in our HB based schools. See this video for details on the program. https://www.sausd.us/Page/34190 The Westminster Police Department has trained our Westmont School Staff not only on active shooter scenarios, but also on what to do in the aftermath. See article for details of OVSD and WPD collaboration for school safety. http://behindthebadgeoc.com/cities/wpd/active-shooter-ready-westminster-pd-trains-city-staff-local-teachers-first-care-providers School districts have varying services for counseling and mental health for students. In OVSD, there are school psychologists, as well as referrals to the Compass Center therapists that serve all of the five school districts that encroach into Huntington Beach. When crisis situations occur, the Human Resources Department deploys a crisis management team to school sites to help work with students and staff. In OVSD, there are no plans for students to participate in the March 24th actions planned around the country. Concomitant to this, I will not be at work in my classroom in Cerritos that day, and my own students will not be participating in any walk out. I will be attending a California Federation of Teachers convention as a delegate and have no connection to the March 24th activities. Not one more child should die; guns should not take precedence over people. Campus safety is of paramount importance to me and I look forward to increasing security on school campuses in OVSD with our planned security upgrades using Measure R general obligation bond funds. We can take action to protect students and we must make our voices heard from southern California to Washington D.C.
So, while I wouldn’t cast a ballot for either of them it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. Both are vastly better than the slate of Republican candidates for city council in Huntington Beach. Rodriguez owes a public apology for his behavior in court that day; Clayton-Tarvin ought to offer evidence that what she said was true (those kids from 1995-2005 are in their 30s now; have one of them step up).
Sad to read this. I have supported these two for a long time but I may need to rethink this. They are friends and we will remain friends but I think I may pull my votes now. Horrible that Oscar would torment a woman like that. They do not belong on the council.
Sad to read this. I have supported these two for a long time but I may need to rethink this. They are friends and we will remain friends but I think I may pull my votes now. Horrible that Oscar would torment a woman like that. They do not belong on the council.
Sad to read this. I have supported these two for a long time but I may need to rethink this. They are friends and we will remain friends but I think I may pull my votes now. Horrible that Oscar would torment a woman like that. They do not belong on the council.
Like I said, I saw this with my own eyes. I asked him to comment on this twice.
Digital impersonation like that is a crime and has been successfully prosecuted against HB social media commenters.
How low will you go?
You may not use my name.
Oh, you own the name “Paula”? What an idiot. I’m guessing Gina is forcing you to post your silly threats and it only makes you look dumber than we all know you are, Ms. Laziki. Or doo you own that name, too? LOL
Uhm, excuse me, hon, but my name is Paula Jean. Nobody is “using your name.” Do you really think you are that important? “Digital impersonation?” LMFAO! You’ve got to be kidding. I hope you’re not a teacher, hon, because I would not let a child near someone so clueless. Maybe can we talk about Oscar? Were you as shocked as I was that he would abuse a woman like that? Or that Gina would make up stories after all those kids were killed? So sad and disappointed. They make it hard for other democrats. “Digital impersonation.” My laugh for that night. Please tell me you were kidding. I’d hate to believe someone is really that stupid.
Paula, Paula, Paula, Paula, Paula……sue me
Whoever you are, you are not Paula Jean. You are also not Hilarie K. You are a liar. Maybe you are a friend of an opposing candidate or maybe you are one of the actual opposing candidates who would stoop so low as to impersonate Gina and Oscar’s supporters. Either way, you are childish and you discredit anything you might actually have to say. Any doubts about my own candidate choices, any hesitation I might have felt about either Gina or Oscar is now fully resolved, seeing the despicable character of Gina and Oscar’s opponents. You have just helped the very candidates you hoped to discredit. The discredit is entirely on your shoulders now; you have exposed yourself and your choices.
Was your full name used?
Is that how you justify impersonation? You can’t really use that argument for Jennifer Bannon or Paula Jean, who we know were also impersonated. Impersonation reveals the lack of reasonable argument expressed by the dishonest commenters agreeing with your blog post who were unwilling to use their own names. In your blog, you gave reasons for your argument, whether readers agree with your conclusions or not. I can respect that. However, if you defend the impersonators, that really does nothing to enhance confidence in your analysis. In fact, it undermines confidence in your blog site being a place for reasonable discussion or even honest disagreement. Bloggers are not journalists, but you could try to emulate “old fashioned” journalistic ethics and integrity.
I believe in allowing people to comment on this blog; your main issue seems to be the names people use and not the context of the story. And, with about 4 exceptions, anyone can comment here. I actually deleted a comment attributed to me on this string I didn’t write because I was driving at the time.
If you think the comments are what establishes confidence in the blog, you couldn’t be more wrong. Comment on the content of the post. You can’t dispute what I saw Oscar do but you ought to lend your opinion about it. If you’re a friend of Gina’s, explain why there is absolutely no evidence of an active shooter at her middle school…something that would generate significant news coverage at the very least. Please produce a link to a news story, a public record (LASD has none), parents/students from the school…something. Because right now, you are trusting her at her word. “It’s only a cold sore, the Porsche is paid for…..” Show me evidence. Your argument here is a defense of ADHD. Look, squirrel!
Bloggers are journalists; I have a degree in journalism. My posts are sometimes straight facts and others loaded with opinion. Perhaps you should read comments on stories at “old fashioned publications known for journalistic ethics and integrity” and you will find similar comments to offend your sensibilities. I will note I did extensive research on the school shooter story; no school records, no news stories, no public safety records. Just Gina’s word and the word of a friend of hers. And quite frankly, I wanted to find this information so I could make her out to be the sort of leader we need….but that’s not what the research revealed. By focusing on the commenters and not the post itself, you actually undermine yourself. If you’re friends with Oscar and Gina, then be one and call them out on their behavior. That’s what a real friend does
Of course her full name wasn’t used. But these uptight white privileged OC women are SOOOOOOO important that god FORBID anyone has a similar name as them! Call the police! Have them arrested! Digital impersonation! As if anyone knows about or cares about these tired old hags. They are just like Gina. Every criticism becomes a “death threat” and every joke becomes a provable crime. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. And they still can’t deal with the fact that they are supporting abusers and liars
So you’re ok with a stalker/abuser and a liar Got it
Whoever you are, you are not Paula Jean. You are also not Hilarie K. You are a liar. Maybe you are a friend of an opposing candidate or maybe you are one of the actual opposing candidates who would stoop so low as to impersonate Gina and Oscar’s supporters. Either way, you are childish and you discredit anything you might actually have to say. Any doubts about my own candidate choices, any hesitation I might have felt about either Gina or Oscar is now fully resolved, seeing the despicable character of Gina and Oscar’s opponents. You have just helped the very candidates you hoped to discredit. The discredit is entirely on your shoulders now; you have exposed yourself and your choices.
Whoever you are, you are not Paula Jean. Any doubts about my own candidate choices, any hesitation I might have felt about either Gina or Oscar is now fully resolved, seeing the despicable attempts in comments to impersonate others. You have just helped the very candidates you hoped to discredit.
the candidates discredited themselves with their behavior; your outrage regarding the comments section but not the content of the post is revealing, isn’t it?
Whoever you are, you are not Paula Jean. Any doubts about my own candidate choices, any hesitation I might have felt about either Gina or Oscar is now fully resolved, seeing the despicable attempts in comments to impersonate others. You have just helped the very candidates you hoped to discredit.
Deeply disappointing. We thought we knew Oscar better. Gina, we understand, this is her. But Oscar….
I am concerned with the company these two keep. Namely 2 guys that have 8 DUI’S, A METH CHARGE, a history of violence against women, both are grown men living with their Mother and a Gang Mom.
It’s going to be hard to discount these relationships when voting…………If you have a conscience.
Which I believe to speak to your point: blind support for people of questionable character because they have a D next to their name.
Oh cute, false comments impersonating others. The hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me.
Jennifer is a friend Don’t comment suggesting it’s her Don’t
Digital impersonation like that is a crime and has been successfully prosecuted against HB social media commenters.
I’m lawyered up; good luck claiming a first name only commenter is widely perceived to be you. Know what a SLAPP suit is?
I would be interested to know who the Hilarie K. is who commented above, because it is certainly not me, who plans to vote for both Gina Clayton-Tarvin and Oscar Rodriguez. I am not trying to elect saints, just effective and proven public servants who get the job done. I challenge the “Hilarie K.” above to provide more information about her identity. I can prove my connection to OVSD as well as HBCSD, can “she?” I think that these underhanded fake commenters at the end of this column speak volumes about those who oppose these candidates, or at least about those supporters who would stoop to impersonating others. Don’t you have the courage to speak for yourselves anymore, or have you already dirtied your own reputations too much? It is precisely the dishonesty of the other slate of candidates and their supporters that drove me to check out Gina and Oscar for myself and verify that they are the far better choices.
Do we’re clear You have no issue with Oscar intimidating and harassing Victor’s ex-wife in a situation I personally witnessed. Shame on you for supporting an actual asshole
So we are clear, you are trying to put words in my mouth, which is also dishonorable. You are entitled to your candidate choices, or lack thereof. I was not challenging you on that. I do challenge your willingness to host blatant impersonators in your comments section. I do have an issue with the irrelevant personal attacks that are endlessly being slung at candidates in this city, and I am especially infuriated by attacks on voters themselves who are legally entitled to make their own choices. Why are you participating in that?
I’m not putting words in anyone’s mouth. Candidates know they are going to be attacked and the ones with thick skin shrug it off.
Hilarie, I am keeping my last name private to prevent you, Gina and your ilk from going into your usual attack mode. You can defend these horrible people all day and night like you, but you can’t lay claim to a first name. As a professor (albeit a poorly ranked one) you should know that. Take your bullying and your doxxing someplace else. And go support people like Oscar that stalk and belittle women. Or Gina, who makes up stories about gunmen. It further exposes you for what you are. We are sick and tired of Gina’s evil and your foolish defense of her HORRIBLE behavior.
You are still clearly a liar and do not have the courage to use your own name. Why should anyone care about your opinions of me (not a candidate) when you have to hide behind my name? You have exposed yourself for the coward you are, so why should anyone take your opinions and judgments of others seriously? How many other HB voters that you disagree with do you plan to impersonate? Are you the same one who impersonated Paula Jean and Jennifer Bannon? What other form of dirty trick cheating will you resort to? Do you really think you are helping your own candidates or candidacy by stooping so low? You are clearly the bully here, because YOU initiated the impersonation, not me. YOU are the one who is doxxing, as you have very specifically and personally attacked my reputation without even revealing who you are. How many other HB voters do you plan to attack just because they are making their own electoral choices that disagree with yours? Is this your idea of decent American politics?
You’re replying at 2AM? I don’t think you know what doxxing means because a commenter has a similar name doesn’t means doxxing
Dan, people like the deeply distrusted and disliked Hilarie Kelly use terms like “doxxing” when it suits them and their feelings get hurt. She is pathetic. Up all night posting here, losing her marbles after getting triggered by a word. Yet, Oscar and Gina’s behavior is fine for her. TRUE stalking and harassment. Hilarie should not be allowed around students and her college should see these absurd posts of hers along with her defending like Oscar and Gina.
Like I said in the post; they are still better than Republicans running for office. But there are other democratic candidates to consider.
Am one of those Democrats who will leave blanks for city council. Will not vote for GCT. Was on the fence re Oscar. Will not vote for him.
Oh, you own the name “Paula”? What an idiot. I’m guessing Gina is forcing you to post your silly threats and it only makes you look dumber than we all know you are, Ms. Laziki. Or doo you own that name, too? LOL
Uhm, excuse me, hon, but my name is Paula Jean. Nobody is “using your name.” Do you really think you are that important? “Digital impersonation?” LMFAO! You’ve got to be kidding. I hope you’re not a teacher, hon, because I would not let a child near someone so clueless. Maybe can we talk about Oscar? Were you as shocked as I was that he would abuse a woman like that? Or that Gina would make up stories after all those kids were killed? So sad and disappointed. They make it hard for other democrats. “Digital impersonation.” My laugh for that night. Please tell me you were kidding. I’d hate to believe someone is really that stupid.
Does anyone have a newspaper clip that backs up Gina’s claims. Please share. I’m more than happy to believe if there is actual evidence
I know a few Paula Jean’s — it’s a popular name combo
Is digital impersonation that same thing as deep fake videos? I have a screen grab of Vern Nelson commenting on OCWeekly in 2018 with downright offensive words directed at Victor’s ex-wife. But its not Vern. Someone who co-opted his likeness and email address. You are making a mountain out of a mole hill, Can someone please address the content of the post? The bullying? The lack of evidence to a serious claim of an on campus school shooter?
So funny to watch Gina’s dried up witches hop on their tired brooms and swoop in to, not explain Oscar or Gina’s toxic, dangerous behavior but get their bloomers all knotted up because,,,,,,, SOMEONE MAY HAVE THE SAME NAMES AS THEM…. or is just goofing with them. That’s what matters. Not stalking and bullying a woman. Not lying about dead children. I guess those things are FINE. Paula Jean Liwicki, Hilarie Kelly, Jennifer Brannon, you are AWFUL people. You help Gina attack citizens. You defend her lies and her wife-beating, drunk pals. You could care less about women’s rights. It’s fun watching you all get so upset over so little. That’s what you get for aligning with slime the way you do.
Still hiding?
Nope, right here. Why don’t you go back to mopping up the slop of your toxic candidates and racking up low student judging scores of your clearly flawed teaching abilities. That is, if your name is actually “Hilarie Kelly.” I’m having my doubts. Gina needs to send you back in with better scripted comebacks. Maybe all those on campus gunmen have thrown her off her game.
Dan, THANK YOU for this post. I was going to vote for Oscar (not Gina. NEVER Gina. She is evil). But I can no longer support him. For him to work with Victor like that to harass a battered woman is just unspeakable.
Dan, THANK YOU for this post. I was going to vote for Oscar (not Gina. NEVER Gina. She is evil). But I can no longer support him. For him to work with Victor like that to harass a battered woman is just unspeakable.
Dan, THANK YOU for this post. I was going to vote for Oscar (not Gina. NEVER Gina. She is evil). But I can no longer support him. For him to work with Victor like that to harass a battered woman is just unspeakable.
It’s so interesting with this post has exposed in the local left in Huntington Beach. Now, I have no idea who is who when it comes to these comments that are being written. But to witness the handwringing on Facebook particularly at the page that Mark Bixby administrate’s, it’s really telling. None of these people seem to care one lick that Oscar Rodriguez not only illegally videotaped in a court room but followed the victim out to stalk and harass and bully her and will not even answer questions about it. That conversation doesn’t even happen with any of these people. Nor does the fact that Gina Clayton Tarvin obviously lied through her teeth about there being people with guns on campus. No. All they care about is that somebody may have spoofed them. That’s the end of the world to them. So I guess that they have no problem with stalking, wife abuse, and the kind of dishonesty that Gina has turned into an art form. None of that matters. All that matters is that somebody played a little joke on them. Thank you, Dan. Your article was informative but it also helped expose some very ugly realities about liberals in Huntington Beach.
After deep reflection, I am now voting for Gracey, Casey, Tony and Pat. The “Fab Four.” Sorry, Oscar and Gina.
Of course her full name wasn’t used. But these uptight white privileged OC women are SOOOOOOO important that god FORBID anyone has a similar name as them! Call the police! Have them arrested! Digital impersonation! As if anyone knows about or cares about these tired old hags. They are just like Gina. Every criticism becomes a “death threat” and every joke becomes a provable crime. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. And they still can’t deal with the fact that they are supporting abusers and liars
This is Breannia. Not only did Oscar follow me out, phone in hand he told me that I was going to loose and to just stop. He did not care that I was distraught nor did he know the truth. Or maybe he just didn’t care what the truth was as long as he was successful in what he came to do. Solely to intimidat me to not push forward in case.
Forgive Breanna’s spelling errors but recognize the abuse she suffered at Oscar’s hands #metoo anyone?
“People in Huntington Beach don’t really understand elections. It’s not about going door to door. You have to do some of that for show, but it’s about union support. It’s all unions. You don’t have to answer all those questions and attacks people make. Just ignore them and focus on union endorsements. The vocal minority doesn’t win elections. They are just Facebook noisemakers. Candidates have to stay focused on the unions and smile and act nice until they win. It’s maybe sad that that’s what politics is now but that’s just how it is. Those loud people don’t matter. They really don’t. Unions matter.” Gina
Heard on the trail.
“People in Huntington Beach don’t really understand elections. It’s not about the voters. It’s about the unions. Yes, you have to go door-to-door and do some of that for show. But without union support you are not going to win. That’s why it’s best to ignore most of the questions and all of the silly attacks. Those angry people on Facebook don’t matter. They don’t. Do you hear me? They don’t. You have to have the unions and that’s it. Maybe it’s sad if that’s what local politics has come to but that’s the way it is. That’s how you win. Those other people really don’t matter.” Gina
I wish Oscar would just explain the stalking and harassment. It’s a bad look. He’s a nice guy and now many of us will hold out vote back until he at least addresses it. As for Gina, no surprises there. We all know how bad her lies about the school gunmen are. So sad.
I wish Oscar would just explain the stalking and harassment. It’s a bad look. He’s a nice guy and now many of us will hold out vote back until he at least addresses it. As for Gina, no surprises there. We all know how bad her lies about the school gunmen are. So sad.
Dan, thank you for clearing all of this up. I’m sorry, genuinely. Oscar was wrong to stalk that woman and Gina was wrong to lie about the on campus gunmen. I won’t be voting for them as a result.
What’s really disturbing is it seems that Oscar was already a planning commissioner when he was in court stalking and harassing this poor woman. I wonder if Natalie has any regrets about appointing him to the planning commission. Clearly he’s a bad guy. I can’t understand why some of these women refuse to even engage on the topic of harassment. It’s like they can’t put decency over politics. So disgusting. Looking at you, Paula Jean, Hilarie, Jennifer and the rest of you.
Mark Bixby should also be investigated in our opinion. Not for just being the weasel that everyone seems to hate in Huntington Beach due to his constant monitoring of public citizens and his shameless attacks on candidates despite the fact that he helps run Gina and Oscars account, but also for the rumors about how he gains access to private information as he tries to ruin lives. Dan, we have information on him if you’d like to pursue a story on Bixby. In our view, he’s dirty. Very dirty. He also acts as an apologist for Gina and Oscar’s behavior and seems also to protect the infamous Victor, based on some of his social media posts. That’s our opinion anyway.
In a now deleted post, the fine proprietors at the OJB defended Gina and Oscar (not surprising) Insinuating Breanna “got what was coming to her” and that “If Victor’s explanation was good enough for Jose (Moreno) it’s good enough for me”.
I suppose these RACISTS support Martinez, Cedillio, DeLeon and the LABOR goon too.
It appears it wasn’t enough that Vern and zdonna Nelson have made a mockery of politics in Anaheim, (I am told after the election their brand of politics will be DONE), rather their childish, pornographic, behaviors have seeped into Vern and Greg’s hometown in a REAL way. Gina and Oscar are gonna take down Kim Carr with them.
The FB ad I saw included a screenshot of Victor being FIRED by Harley Rhouda.
In the words of Flounder:
“This Gonna Be Great!!!!”
Gina Clayton Tarvin was so triggered by an HB Blogger who initially published the facts under a Post entitled ” On the Backs of Dead Children”, that she sought a restraining order with a perjury filled series of claims that no judge would ignore. Then she trumpeted her “Rsetraining order” in the media. Once the judge heard the facts, he tossed out the restraining order, and tossed Tarvin out of his courtroom. She then withdrew her civil suit and had to pay the blogger damages. She is evil incarnate.
Well Gina seems to think I defamed her to do that I would have had to written things about her that were knowingly false with reckless disregard for the truth to defame her reputation. None of that happened I’m trying to source her claims on a story about an active gunman on campus of her middle school which there are no news stories and no police records And this happened in 1997 —two years before Columbine — when no school was practicing active shooter drills. My sin is not taking Gina at her word Because she lied about this to insert herself in the Parkland shooter case because she loves TV cameras. Sue me Gina. I know what a SLAPP suit is and I’m lawyered up. Looking forward to evidence you can produce this actually happened as you said it did
The HB Blogger did all the legwork. Nothing there. Apparently his work survives in a truncated format because he must have let his domain expire. But it is all still there.
oh, per Gina, Chuck is my partner in crime. I’ve never met him. Wouldn’t know what he’d look like if I passed him on the street. Aren’t there two Chuck Johnson’s in HB? One that’s a white supremacist and the other that’s just a blogger?
That’s it. I’m voting for Gracey, Casey, Pat and Tony.
Wow. Gina Clayton Tarvin is worse than I thought! Read this!