Flori-duh Senator Rick Scott and Dr. Mehmet Oz, candidate for US Senate in Pennsylvania, and Adam Laxalt, a candidate for US Senate in Nevada, will be in Santa Ana for a fundraising dinner on Thursday October 6 (location is secret until you offer money) and I’m sure a Crudité platter will be on every table.
Someone should go just to ask Senator Scott about his plan to “Rescue America,” of which Social Security and Medicare are both items Republicans want to take away from Americans. It’s too bad neither program uses actual bullets because the right wing would fight to save it.
Here’s Scott’s plan, from CNN, with some editorializing:
1. Kids in public schools would say the Pledge of Allegiance and be required to stand for the National Anthem. They also would have to “honor” the American flag.
2. The Department of Education would close because “Education is a state function.”
3. The government would never be able to ask you to disclose your race, ethnicity or skin color “on any government form.”
4. The US military would engage in “ZERO diversity training” or “any woke ideological indoctrination that divides our troops.” I’d rather our military be awake than asleep.
5. If a college or university uses affirmative action in admissions, it would be “ineligible for federal funding and will lose their tax-exempt status.”
6. “Strict” mandatory minimum sentences would be required in every case in which a police officer is seriously injured. Hear that you Jan 6ers!!!
7. Any “attempt to deny our 2nd Amendment freedoms” would be strongly opposed. Even if its what the majority of Americans want.
8. The wall along the US southern border would be completed and named after former President Donald Trump. Hahahahahahahahaha…..
9. Immigrants to the US would not be able to collect unemployment benefits or welfare until they have lived in the country for seven years. Is that before or after the citizenship test?
10. So-called sanctuary cities would be stripped of all federal funding.
11. The federal budget would be balanced and, if not, members of Congress would not be paid. Scott’s a multi-millionaire so this wouldn’t hurt him at all.
12. All Americans would pay some income tax “to have skin in the game.” (At present, roughly half of Americans do not pay taxes because their taxable income doesn’t meet a minimum threshold.) Tell me you hate the poor without telling me you hate the poor.
13. Federal debt ceiling increases would be prohibited unless accompanied by a declaration of war.
14. All federally elected officials, as well as all federal workers, would be subject to a 12-year term limit. Until year 11 when a loophole will be found.
15 All federal legislation would have a sunset provision five years after it passes. Head’s up voters who care about Social Security or Medicare … this is the same as Republicans coming for your guns.
16. Funding for the IRS, as well as its workforce, would be cut by 50%. The better to cheat the government with.
17. Politicians would be banned from becoming lobbyists when they leave office.
18. Voter ID would become the law of the land. 35 states have some form of Voter ID already in place.
19. Same-day voter registration would be banned. Because this would hurt Republican candidates.
20. “No federal program or tax laws will reward people for being unmarried or discriminate against marriage.”
21. No government form would offer options related to “gender identity” or “sexual preference”
22. Biological males would be banned from competing in women’s sports.
23. “All social media platforms that censor speech and cancel people will be treated like publishers and subject to legal action.” Truth Social too?
24. No tax dollars could be used for “diversity training or other woke indoctrination that is hostile to faith.” 20% of Americans are not practicing any faith.
25. No dues would be paid to the United Nations or “any international organization that undermines the national interests of the USA.” Isn’t World Peace in the interest of the US?
26. “The weather is always changing. We take climate change seriously, but not hysterically. We will not adopt nutty policies that harm our economy or our jobs.” AKA, eat your money.
27. This plan is a blueprint for Trumpism without Trump.
Greg Diamond filed a lawsuit today claiming an ADA violation. Apparently he is economically handicapped.
He said he is willing to accept a settlement: He is willing to park cars and STAY OUT OF SIGHT (so not to frighten/offend with body odor) of attendees. Provided he receives a pedicure and fungus removal from an aging Asian trafficking victim.
I’m pretty sure he did not, but thanks for the parody