Congressional Candidate Greg Rath’s Campaign Website Plagiarizes Lindsay Graham’s Site

Is it laziness, sloppiness, or arrogance, but it’s telling that Republican Congressional candidate Greg Raths or his campaign staff has a spiffy candidate’s website that generously plagiarizes the 2020 U.S. senate campaign of South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham.

Here’s what Fox News has to say:

Raths told Fox News Friday that he was unaware of the issue until it was brought to his attention by a reporter.

“I work with several staffers who give me inputs to my webpage content and some of that data may have come from another conservative candidate’s website. Although I agree with Senator Graham on several issues, it was never my intent to use his verbiage on my site,” Raths said. “This does give me the feeling that my opponents are digging deep into my campaign for anything to slow my strong surge in the final weeks of this primary campaign for CA40th Congressional District.”

Graham’s 2020 website is archived via the internet archive Wayback Machine. Excerpts from his 2020 website are also saved on the nonprofit Ballotpedia website.

“Greg Raths understands that the way to create jobs and build a strong economy is to let Americans keep more of what they earn and get the government out of the way,” the Raths website said Friday.

“Lindsey Graham understands that the way to create jobs and build a strong economy is to let Americans keep more of what they earn and get the government out of the way,” Graham’s site said in 2020.

Perhaps its time to start calling Rath’s “Lady R?”

1 Comment

  1. Maybe he had his buddies at the Orange Juice Blog write that. You know, those clowns never have an original thought. Except Donna who is saving the world again. At least the Mothers of sick children could enjoy Easter this you without a barrage of pornographic messages on Twitter.

    I saw that sheepish looking guy ask Foley about Vern and Donna, I think she needed to change her pants (suit).

    I’D bet most of those knuckleheads have BEWELL on speed dial.

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