As the year comes to a close I wanted once again to thank you for all of your support for the Senate and this past year in particular.
People ask, “What are you doing now?”
Yes, it is true I sold a tv drama series to NBC and am working on the pilot for the show now. Look for “The Accidental Candidate” in late May on NBC!
Yes, I am a Leadership Fellow at Harvard University in Boston starting in January for the year of 2018. Come visit!
But what I’m really excited about is co-chairing a $5M Capital Campaign for WISEPlace, to build permanent affordable (about $400/mth) apartments for homeless, unaccompanied women in Orange County.
WISEPlace is a 501(c)3 organization with a 30 year history of taking women off the streets and helping them get their lives back together. They may be emancipated young women, female veterans, victims of domestic violence or abuse, or even college students living in their cars. We want to set-up an emergency shelter, along with our transitional shelter, and then the apartments to make sure these women thrive, integrate back into society, and stay off the streets. See attachment.
I believe in WISEPlace! Our goal is to raise $5 million by Fall 2019 and we need your support! Your tax-deductible contribution will impact the lives of countless women in Orange County.
Please take a minute, during this time of family and cheer, to write a check to WISEPlace and send it to 1411 N. Broadway, Santa Ana, CA 92706 or go to the WISEPlace website and donate
or call me at 714.457.0224 so I can convince you how important this project is.
Enjoy your holidays!
Loretta Sanchez
It’s not suprising to see “Crazy Greg”, using “Drunk Vern’s” wifes blog to try and agitate in his borrowed town.
Greg DESPERATELY needs a villain so he can be a good guy. But let us not forget that Greg’s post and it’s subject are the result of Ada Briceneo who has REFUSED to condemn Julio Perez’s sexual offenses.
But hey. If it goes against Ed Royce or some real estate executive, molesting and rape is OK right Greg…..Jeff….ask Oni………..
If only there was a progressive blog in Brea….when was the last post done for “The Brean?
And what would your life be without someone named Crazy Greg or Drunk Vern?
Would you even exist? I doubt it.
Oh I don’t know. Likely the same, just less humorous. Making fun of these losers is a distraction from what normal sucessful people do: pay rent, own homes, drive cars, support our children, obey laws, don’t drink to excess, refrain from lecturing others while facing 5TH DUI, OH I could go on and on but you get the idea.
These two losers made a carreer out of criticizing others and now that they have been exposed….. well let’s just say SKADOOSH.
BTW. Check out Drunk Vern’s ode to Christmas on You Tube. LOSER.
Anna Drive….where a fresh batch of Meth is always cookin’
“what normal sucessful people do”
What most normal, successful people do is spell “successful” right. And they know how to use grammar properly.
I can’t imagine a bigger loser than somebody who fixates on other “losers.”
P.S. Next time try “career.” And get one.
Dear 4th District Resident,
Are you sure you don’t live in the Third District, instead? Second, one should not throw stones when they live in glass houses. For your information, starting a sentence using a conjunction such as “and” and “or” as you have done repeatedly in your comments herein, is improper. This back and forth has completely distracted the reader from the content of the message which is about a nonprofit. How do your comments relate in anyway to the nonprofit? If they do, I am at a complete loss.
“using a conjunction such as “and” and “or” as you have done repeatedly in your comments herein, is improper.”
What in the world are you bleating about?
If you have a bitch about “hijacking” (another one of the terms of use regularly violated) then direct your attention to the very first commenter, on this post, not me.
Croak. Nevermore.
Is that a threat, 4th District Resident?
No, that’s poetry. Try reading more. You’re just lost.
Yeah you got me there Henry, my spelling errors are common. But, I should have asked the obvious question: what nickname would you assign to a FIVE TIME DRUNK DRIVER, who has for the past ten years shown ZERO interest sobriety? Drunk Vern is the nicest thing one could call Nelson.
As for “Crazy Greg” I could focus on his running cover for child molesters (teachers), sexual harassers, his looney puppet shows or his boring, uninspiring run for several offices. It doesn’t take much to see Diamond is not exactly right.
Come on Paul Err ….Henry, tell us what you call the fools.
…you could get a life.
Unfortunately, your sort of mean, little vindictiveness is becoming as common as your illiteracy.
I could but what then would the REAL Democrats do……
Where do live and why?
Why don’t you like Joe and why?
Did you get raped in jail?
Are you worried that your weed business supplying JP will be harmed come January 1st?
Paul. Go mix up a batch of Meth.
And now you’ve moved onto some guy named Paul. Another “loser,” no doubt, whom it brings pleasure to you to try to ridicule.
Really, don’t you see what this says about YOU? Only an insecure bully or an unemployed fool would waste a second making fun of the people you say are so pathetic.
In fairness, OC Dem, Paul/aka “Henry Lipton” Lucas has awful spelling and grammar. I don’t think 4 district resident is Paul. but is another person taking great pains to protect his identity. I could care less who it is.
If I were OCDEM, wondering if “Paul” got raped in jail, I would be the one careful about protecting my identity – like he does.
This is a despicable person and I wonder why you permit his comments – given that he refuses to abide by ANY of YOUR terms of use.
You don’t either. Paul has a lot of problems. Anonymous comments about him on blogs isn’t one of them. I’m still trying to figure out why he thinks I supported Curt Pringle’s poll guard stunt when it happened years before I moved to OC or had ever heard of him. As far as you and OC Dem and vile comments go, pot, meet kettle.
Okay, I challenge you to reproduce A SINGLE VILE COMMENT I have made on this site. We will let your, ahem, audience decide if it was really vile.
P.S. Calling someone an insecure bully is not “vile” by anybody’s definition of the word. And neither is calling someone an unemployed fool. Comparing this blog to a Jerry Springer production? Vile? Really?
Let’s face it. You permit disgusting comments like jail rape because you hate the targets. And that speaks volumes about you.
Vile is in the eye of the beholder. I delete a number of comments that cross way over the line and you know what….you never see them because they don’t get published. And several of them are from OC DEM and David Vasquez — just ask them if every comment runs. Now go do something nice for someone this holiday season.
This all started because 4th district resident got angry because I called Vern Nelson, who has been caught driving drunk FIVE TIMES and admitted doing it “hundreds of times”. I apologize if my calling it like I see it offends your sensitivities.
As for “Crazy Greg” maybe I over did it. Perhaps you could help me come up with a name who defended an acussed serial molester, Julio Perez by explaining his offering “Porn” to young interns might have been recipies. So what do you say.
As for Henry Lipton/Paul Lucas, where have I ever referred to his jail experience or his being raped. Please do tell.
Lastly, who are you? Why don’t you use your given name?
A few comments above, dummy.
“Did you get raped in jail?”
I would call you a sack of excrement, but that would be vile. So I won’t do it. Instead I recommend an intensive course in anger management.
Lastly, who are you? Why don’t you use your given name?
Read the last sentence you wrote here. Clueless or a poor attempt at sarcasm?
What are you talking about? I’m the only commenter here who abides by your terms of use – and that includes you.
Go have a Yule log. It’s Christmas
So Victor Valladares drugged his ex wife, raped her then taped it it to show her? Yes, Pat and Harley we really need him. Gina Clayton-Tarvin this is who you spend a night with at Great Wolf? Katheryn Clark this is who you leave your family for?
More high-quality LIBOC commentary. And blog whoring for another out-of-control excuse for a human being? And another term of use violated.
From the Sledgehammer piece: “Lalama asserts that Victor Valladares pushed her backwards down a flight of pea gravel stairs at an apartment they shared, resulting in permanent damage to her back. The medical files exist to substantiate the claim. She asserts that Victor Valladares smashed her in the face with a coffee cup, breaking her teeth. Finally, without going into too much detail, she alludes to the fact that Valladares was involved in human smuggling, assisting his undocumented relatives in illegally entering the country.”
Greg Diamond’s guy.
Human smuggling?!
I would not want to be one of the pol’s who accepted VV’s support despite the “writing on the wall”. Now there is no one to blame but their own bad judgement.
“4th District Resident” is GREG DIAMOND. Gabriel Nelson just let it slip.
Sorry to bust you, maybe now you can go help Vern pack for prison.
More Fred fail. Even your host will tell you you are wrong.
Add to spiteful, petty, defamatory, pea-brained, illiterate, Trump-lover.
No way to go through life, son.
The latest revelations involving Victor Valladares are troubling. Drugging and Rape, if substantiated, he should be put in prison. But, regardless the DPOC needs to get rid of him. Consider Al Franken resigned for far less……….
Politico has an interesting article up regarding the effect of #METOO on mid term races and the Dem majority in Sacramento.
What will it take for the local party to take action?
What about the human smuggling? Don’t forget the human smuggling!!
Victor Valladares’ ex-wife already spoke out at a local school board meeting about how he abused her. What more would one need to substantiate? Second, he was charged with burglary a decade ago and since then, instead of keeping out of trouble ended up with 2 DUIs on his record. He is still on probation until 2019 according to one court docket. It appears he was introduced to “community service” by way of his criminal charges. I agree, when will the local party take some adverse action instead of holding him up? I did not like the way he conducted himself before, but when I found out about these charges, I surely have washed my hands of him.
Good to know you wash your hands, at least occasionally.
hey look…its greg diamond…posting as “4th district resident” …hes over here commenting because nobody bothers to read the tripe he publishes…fucking loser…go give Vern a ladt minute 12 pack to suck down before he gets carted off to the slam.
Wow, intense anger blended with teenage vulgarity: another Trumpster at play. Get help dude, before you blow a gasket and leak what few brains you have all over the carpet.
Then try to get a life. It’s a lot later than you think.
When does the elder Nelson return to court?
That might be worth blowing a sick day!
Could be quite awhile.
I just hope he never gets behind the wheel again.
First you would need gainful employment to get a sick day.
I think that insult is better directed towards most of the OJ crowd. I think the only one with gainful employment is Ryan….
I don’t know what the “OJ crowd” is or what it has to do with this group, but I know there are some severe personality disorders proudly on display here, and it’s hard to imagine much constructive activity going on in the real world.
GREG DIAMOND is a lowlife POS that posts under the name “4th District Resident” according to Donna (and now Vern said it too) Carry on. And oh yeah he supports wifebeaters and rapists and drunk driver.
if Vern and Donna Somebodyorother said that, they are wrong. But of course you are one of the creepy prevaricating stalkers who inhabit this site so I tend to discount anything you post.
But carry on, Trumplet.
Name call all you want, GREG DIAMOND. Every OC Dem is on to you and your obsession with Mexican wifebaters and alcoholics. No wonder you have not worked in 7 years (according to Vern).
Funny you should mention that. Speaking of “Gainful Employment” how in the world could Vern Nelson afford the $45,000. rehab? Considering he has been unemployed for at least 5 years.
Could it be the Tom and Julie Tait trust helped, in a an quid pro quo kind of deal? I am given yo understand both Mr. & Mrs. Nelson reached out to the Taits after Vern realized it was Chino Mens Colony or the nearly $50k rehab.
While Vern’s medical records are covered by HIPPA.Tait does not enjoy the same privacy. Ask Tom Tait. Make him lie.
Happy New Year.
You seem to know a lot about rehab and medium security prisons. You also were interested in the topic of jail rape.
Anything you’d like to confess, or is this just the sort of thing you like to spend your copious spare time fantasizing about?
It’s New Year’s Eve. Go spend time with friends or family. If you have any of either. Happy New Year.
And you can spend a healthy New Year with your close friends OC DEM, Fred, sledgehammer, David Vasquez, Lenore and whatever other new freaks you invite to your little party.
Does YOUR family even know what sort of garbage you publish on this blog and the stalkers and racists you associate with?
My daughter had her friends over for a nice get together. I just finished cleaning up. I’m not responsible for the comments people offer here including yours. I offer a forum for free speech. My posts stand on their own. If you think the posts are garbage, that’s your opinion. I can not control your opinion of me nor do I care what it is. Try to have a nice New Year. I really don’t care if you do or not.
How much did you contribute?
Tait is said to have ponied up. stick to the topic: How much did Tom and Julie pay?
Stalker, much?
What about your jail rape interest?
I don’t know about Greg’s posting habits here, but I can say with certainty: his behaviors mimic that EXACTLY of the star of NETFLIX docu-drama Manhunt Search For the UNABOMBER.
The similarities between “Crazy Greg” and Ted Kaczynski are uncanny. So much so I read up on Ted and am now convinced everybody who made fun of Crazy Greg should beware.
Seriously, watch Cocco Puff at the Brea City Council meeting. Then compare to Netflix.
That’s some crazy crazy stuff.
See you in Livingston Greg!
Wow, you sure are a big sissy.
And obsessed with someone who you say is crazy? Now that’s really crazy!
I am in no way obsessed with “crazy Greg”. I do know he is obsessed with me. Stalking me and my family. Greg knows EXACTLY who I am. We were allies at one point. Before he went off the rails.
He KNOWS exactly where I stand and is free to call me out by name.
You remain an anonymous coward. A political Nija of sorts. Frightened child is how “Crazy Greg” would describe you.
Happy New Year!
4th District is trolling comments. Motive unknown. OC Dem I would like to hear about your experience you had with Greg. I have had a very negative experience with him on several occasions. Please email me.
Ah, the Lost Lenore. Finally find a friend, did you?
Can’t stick to the subject of the post can you?
Just another wackadoodle.
You truly cray-cray, bro.
“You remain an anonymous coward”
Irony isn’t one of your strong suits, is it, Braveheart?
Hypocrisy is certainly one of yours
Except that I haven’t accused anybody of crimes, made any racial slurs, or obsessed on somebody in what can only be called a weird, almost psychosexual fascination.
No, I feel pretty good about my visits to this site of creeps, stalkers, Trumpsters, racists and other assorted oddballs.
Tell you what, brave adult: you reveal your identity and I promise I will do the same. That ought to satisfy a he-man like you.
Go ahead.
Greg’s latent love for Victor, in my opinion, has him confused. He’s torn, so he uses all of these on line aliases to try and defend him. It’s weird. It’s creepy. It’s sad. Greg Diamond is a full time douchebag whose head would EXPLODE if he saw the private group that was created to bash him, AND the things Vern says about him behind his back. There’s also an audio tape circulating that will have Greg backpedaling, evidently. Was not recorded legally is the the issue, still, fascinating stuff.