ADEM Elections Get Massive Turnout

2017 ADEM elections in Orange
2017 ADEM elections in Orange

Normally, elections for California ADEM delegates are small, intimate affairs and it was relatively easy to get elected or appointed.  But with Saturday’s elections in OC, turnout was massive and, sources in Northern California tell TheLiberalOC turnout in Silicon Valley was also huge even in the midst of a massive rainstorm that swept the area this weekend.


In a word — Trump.

Progressive slates were well organized and many won the day in OC and elsewhere.  A number of brand new Democrats applied for candidacy and many won.  Listening to the speeches, you’d think the folks running were running for Party chair.  California progressives will have a strong vote in the coming state party convention and will shape the candidates who are endorsed and the platform Democrats will adopt.

It was heartening to see so many who showed up to vote and so many candidates running — many for the first time ever.

But there remains considerable divisiveness among Democrats particularly with the Bernie and Hillary crowds.  Its time to heal the wounds and fine ways to work together.  And as the DPOC elects a new chair at tonight’s meeting, perhaps hachets can be buried for good.  It’s high time to focus on beating Republicans at the ballot box than beating up on those who share party affiliation.

Former Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez was a candidate and did not win.  She showed up after the candidate speeches and did address the crowd, but many had already voted and left.  If Democrats in OC see this as some sort of negative, it isn’t.   She’s back from a vacation and got to the meeting a little late.  Sanchez remains the individual every Democrat in OC wants for an endorsement.  And from speaking with her Saturday, it’s clear her career is far from over.

The photos are from the AD-68 meeting at the Teamsters Union Hall in Orange.


1 Comment

  1. Paul LUCAS got 13 votes. Progressives shunned him. OJ blog would not publish this exact comment. Pussies one and all

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