Building Bridges in Tustin is What Clark is All About


At the Tustin City Council candidate’s forum Tuesday night, council member Allan Bernstein “jokingly” said he wants to build a wall between Tustin and Irvine and “Irvine will pay for that wall.”  Nice to know another pro-Trump Republican has outed himself and Tustin deserves better than this. As an Irvine resident with a business in Tustin, stick it Mr. Bernstein.  I want a candidate who will build bridges.  Someone like Letitia Clark.

Tustin is another one of those OC cities that has flipped blue due to the work of the DPOC under Henry Vandermeir’s leadership.  And its producing exceptional candidates like Letitia Clark.  We’re urging voters in Tustin to place only one vote for the city council race this year — for Clark and no one else.  It increases her odds of being elected and Republicans in Tustin will vote for the three old white guys who lack any sort of vision.

Clark is a parent, a community volunteer and a Tustin High graduate.  She’s familiar with issues concerning Tustin residents including available and affordable housing, the high cost of childcare, and the need to bring good jobs to Tustin.  She has an ally in Tustin council member Becky Gomez and is the sort of candidate that can bring more Democrats in Tustin to make the leap to run for office instead of the three GOP candidates who want Tustin to be Amanteville.

Clark has experience as a city council staffer in addition to public/private/non-profit experience in her career.  She holds a master’s degree in public policy and a bachelor’s degree in public administration.  But her greatest skill is listening to the concerns of residents and voters and helping to build consensus.  She has an can work with Republicans across the aisle on good government policy.

Her platform is:

  • Funding for First Responders/Public Safety
  • Maintaining City Parks
  • Expanding partnership with TUSD and the City
  • Expanding Community Involvement.

To learn more please visit:; better still, Vote for her on Election Day.  



  1. “.. Allan Bernstein “jokingly” said he wants to build a wall between Tustin and Irvine and “Irvine will pay for that wall.”

    What was the context of that remark Dan? It sounds like a little joking around to me – nothing to get your shorts in a bunch about.

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