OCEA backs Rudy Diaz for RSCCD Trustee


Orange, CA – Orange County’s largest independent labor union, OCEA has endorsed long time Orange resident Rudy Diaz in his run for the Area 7 seat on the Rancho Santiago Community College District.

“To be endorsed by OCEA, which represents 18,000 public employees throughout Orange County is an honor,” stated Diaz. I am running to ensure taxpayer funds are used to benefit our students in our community. It’s time to end the corruptive practices of our once proud community college district”.

Diaz has lived in Orange County for four decades and has served the community and state in many capacities including:

  • Chair of the City of Orange Library Board
  • Governor appointee to the California Library Services Board
  • Chair of the City of Orange Parks and Recreation Commission

In addition to the endorsement by OCEA, Diaz is endorsed by the Faculty Association of the Rancho Santiago Community College District (FARSCCD), representing over 1,000 instructors and professors. He is also endorsed by the Concerned Orange Taxpayers.