Bao’s Voting Record Raises Questions

Bao Nguyen, Garden Grove Mayor
Bao Nguyen, Garden Grove Mayor
Bao Nguyen, Garden Grove Mayor

Garden Grove Mayor and CD-46 candidate Bao Nguyen will be asking voters to cast a ballot his way for Congress in CD-46 this November.  But Nguyen’s own voting record in elections over the years has raised questions, including a disclosure that Nguyen was a registered Republican in Colorado in 2004.

TheLiberalOC contacted Nguyen’s press people last week since he was in Philadelphia for the Democratic Convention.  After getting no response, I reached out to Nguyen Monday to confirm his Republican registration.

“I registered Republican when I lived in Colorado because I wanted to be on their mailing list,” Nguyen wrote.  “But they didn’t send me anything.”

Nguyen was asked twice who he voted for in the presidential election of 2004 — George W. Bush or John Kerry — and he did not answer either question.

Nguyen’s Republican registration for information gathering purposes seems weak on its face; there are easy ways to get on any Republican’s mailing list.  More troubling than a possible vote for George W. Bush in 2004 is Nguyen’s voting record in 26 elections that have taken place since he became eligible to vote — he’s only voted in 16 of them.  If you’re grading papers, that’s a D-.  This includes primary and special elections when Democrats in Orange County need voters.

Nguyen did not vote in the California primary elections in 2002, 2006 and 2008; he was in Colorado for 2004.  He did not vote in the 2006 general election in November when Democrats hook both the House and the Senate.  Nguyen did not vote in the 2003 recall election and didn’t vote in the 2005 special election when Gov. Schwarzenegger put up a ballot measure that would have hurt working families and teachers.  Nguyen didn’t vote in a 2007 special election to fill the OC Supervisor seat vacated by Lou Correa, his Congressional opponent, after his election to the state Senate. Nguyen also failed to vote in the January 2010 special election to fill a vacant Assembly seat.

Nguyen has voted in every election since 2010.  The question remains, did he vote for Bush or Kerry in 2004?



  1. Bao’s explanation is about as plausable as Josh Newmans resume writing folly.

    Talk about a couple of DINO’S.

  2. So I wonder what the Joe Done cabal thinks of this? It is most telling exactly what Joe’s appeal was to voters:
    He lost to a GW Bush supporter, who rarely votes, who covered up his sexuality until politically expedient, who DOESN’t even live in the district, has a SO-SO record as mayor and has been in office for less than a year.

    Yet he STOMPED Joe Done and his minons, even with Dunn’s heavy hitter special interests, he got clobbered. No wonder Henry “Paul” Lipton dissappeared!

    ………..that and the fact he was outed at a recent DPOC event, to which people shook their heads. Too bad Vern and Greg didn’t bother to come to the game.

    Paul (AKA Henry), put down the bong and call Vern ASAP to have him post here in your defense.

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