Bauer to Run for SAUSD

Bruce Bauer
Bruce Bauer
Bruce Bauer

Santa Ana Planning Commissioner Vice Chair Bruce Bauer has announced he’s a candidate for SAUSD Trustee and has the backing of current SAUSD Trustees Valerie Amezcua and John Palacio.  Bauer is a lawyer and an advocate for Santa Ana bike trails; he’d bring tremendous assets to a role as an SAUSD trustee over the divisive Republican Ceci Iglesias.

Iglesias is clearly on the wrong side of so many issues, some bordering on outright bigotry — specifically, the transgendered bathroom issue.  According to OC Weekly, Iglesias is now working hard to incorporate religion into Santa Ana schools with a “prayer campaign.”  From the story:

“Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) board member Cecilia “Ceci” Iglesias finds herself mired in controversy yet again. This time around, the Republican salvadoreña isn’t championing charter schools, calling gender-neutral bathrooms “creepy” in political attack videos, defending mariachi-loving Trump fans, or avoiding censure at last night’s board meeting. She’s in hot water for leading a SanTana school prayers campaign in the name of the good Lord above. “If we can’t have prayers in our Schools,” Iglesias wrote last month in a Pray for Santa Ana Schools Facebook group she belongs to, “Then we Will have Schools in our prayers.”  

But did she blur the line between church and state by starting a prayer campaign at school sites? Iglesias obviously doesn’t think so, but The Freedom From Religion Foundation does, issuing a letter earlier this month to the school board member urging her to put an end to the amen. At the very least, Iglesias—who’s running for re-election to the board this year—began her public call to prayer not because of sodomites or Satanists, but after getting called out for a commencement speech flap at Segerstrom High School last month.

Needless to say, Bauer is 100 times smarter than Iglesias and is focused on policy and making Santa Ana Schools better.


  1. “But did she blur the line between church and state by starting a prayer campaign at school sites?”

    The answer to your question is …. NO!

    Her group makes their prayers on public sidewalks – not on school property. Photos that show her group on school property do not indicate that any prayer is taking place. They ARE allowed to stand on public property which is not otherwise restricted.

    What do you have against prayer Dan?

  2. In the promotional materials for her prayer campaign she identifies herself as a school board member resulting in some people believing this is a school sponsored activity. That’s the issue in my mind.

    • Perhaps in the future a disclaimer incorporated in the promo material would set your mind at ease from the “horrifying” thought of school sponsored prayer.

  3. I think they chose the wrong guy to go against Ceci. Not that Bruce isn’t capable of the job – he surely is. The problem is that to knock out an incumbent one must go BTTW negative – cut & slash nasty. I don’t think that Bruce will want to do that – he is too much of a genuinely nice guy. He’s a good guy – he won’t do it.

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