Anaheim Councilman Jordan Brandman wraps up major endorsements and overwhelming fundraising advantage in race for reelection in new Council District 3.

US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) with Anaheim council member Jordan Brandman in Costa Mesa

US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) with Anaheim council member Jordan Brandman in Costa Mesa
US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) with Anaheim council member Jordan Brandman in Costa Mesa


Anaheim City Councilman Jordan Brandman today released the enthusiastic endorsements of major stakeholder organizations throughout the City of Anaheim, as well as reporting more than $153,000 amassed January-June reporting period.

Brandman has been endorsed for reelection to the Anaheim City Council from Council District 3 by a broad coalition that represents organized labor, public employees, public safety officers, and business organizations:

  • AFSCME District Council 36
  • Anaheim Firefighters Association Local 2899
  • Anaheim Municipal Employees Association
  • Anaheim Police Officers PAC
  • IBEW Local 47
  • Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council
  • Orange County Employees Association
  • SEIU United Service Workers West
  • Teamsters Local 952
  • Anaheim Chamber of Commerce PAC
  • Orange County Business Council
  • Support Our Anaheim Resort PAC

“From the beginning, Jordan Brandman has fought to grow our local economy, create good jobs to support Anaheim residents, and protect the dignity of our working people,” said Ernesto Medrano, Council Representative at the Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council.

Rick Cheatham, President of Anaheim Firefighters Association Local 2899, explained, “Restoring public safety services for all residents has been a key priority. Thanks to Councilmember Brandman and the City Council, we’ve been able to hire new firefighters, build a new fire station, and improve emergency response times across the city.”

Reflecting this wide-spread base of support throughout Council District 3 and the City of Anaheim, Brandman announced that he had raised more than $153,000 to put toward his reelection in the first reporting period of 2016. “I have been humbled by the unwavering support we’ve gathered for reelection,” Brandman said. “I believe it’s based in all the hard work this broad coalition has done over the last four years for the people of Anaheim. I’m ready to take that support and talk to every single voter in Council District 3 between now and Election Day.”


About Jordan Brandman


Jordan Brandman was elected at-large to the Anaheim City Council in 2012. A resident of the Anaheim Colony Historic District, he is running for reelection in the newly drawn Council District 3. Prior to his term on the City Council, he served on the Anaheim Union High School District Board of Trustees from 2008 to 2012 and on the Anaheim Public Utilities Board from 2007 to 2012. A graduate of UC Irvine, he is District Director to the Majority Leader of the California State Assembly.


  1. Yeah, Well, Dr. Jose Moreno (the one Greg Diamond calls the “GOOD JOSE”, whatever he means by that) raised OVER $2,000. to pay his expenses to go support Bernie Sanders in Washington.

    Imagine that, a guy who is of his means and success, can’t cut a Southwest/Spirit/JetBlue ticket to Philly! But, the people came forward to help Joe. Now that’s support, just goes to show what you can do when your priorities are…….well never mind…….Five girls and school clothes season coming up, maybe he should do a GOFUNDME for that or here’s an idea: SKIP THE CONVENTION if you can’t pay your own way.

  2. A close look at Jordan’s supporters shows huge support from the Disney and corporate interest they he Murray and Kring have funneled funneled over 1 BILLION DOLLARS in subsidies! Add to that the employees unions who are being held hostage since he can make or break their contracts and you get the picture. As for Jose, he was a School Board Member and President for a decade, is the President of Los Amigos and most importantly, he received more votes in what is now District 3 in 2012 than Jordan!!!
    Finally, and perhaps most importantly, it was Jordan who voted to kill The People’s Map a short while ago in a self serving effort to redraw the boundaries so that he didn’t have to face Dr. Moreno. Ill take th guy who has true roots to the community against the guy who has just mortgage the next three generations of residents futures for political contributions any day!!!

  3. the employees unions are being held hostage? someone call the cops.

    You’re ignoring the many good construction jobs that pay well and will benefit Anaheim for years while the developers fund the construction of these new hotels. The TOT subsidy doesn’t kick in until the first hotel guest checks out of their room years from now. Anaheim needs good paying jobs to help lift people out of poverty and the new contracts offer incentives for hiring Anaheim residents and veterans. And there is zero evidence Disney would have built a new hotel without the incentive program…if you have proof, post it. I’ll take the Disney VP’s word for it that they decided to build the hotel due to the program.

    Jordan was also a school board member and has true roots in the community.

    This is a press release Jeff. When Dr. Moreno gets around to sending me a press release, I’ll run it. Meanwhile, I did contribute to Dr. Moreno’s trip to DNC even though he supported a different candidate for president than I did. I didn’t notice anything from you in the contributor’s list.

    • Dan ALWAYS has to boast about how he contributed this and knows them and does that.. Those who can’t, boast.

      PS, any sane person would believe a longtime union activist like Jeff over a PR hack like Dan when it comes to union jobs. Dan probably hasn’t touched a mattock since the Carter administration, if ever.

      • I’m a former union member at a copper mill where I worked in my hometown during the Carter administration so there’s that. My Dad was for his entire working life as were my grandparents. My wife’s been in a union. You can track what I give on OpenSecrets and to whom. But I have to ask, you are a journalist…how hard is it for you to research something or call to ask before writing something you think you know that’s fundamentally wrong? Thanks for reading and for again not adding anything positive to the discussion.

  4. Yes, to the credit of Ernesto Medrano and the LAOC Building Trades Council the were able to get Jordan to strong arm the hotel developers to agree to build union with local hire and veteran preferences. This will allow for two years of great construction Jobs. In return, the trades will throw their political support behind Jordan! The problem however, is the Jordan did not lift a finger to support the thousands of service workers who must toil in low paying wages for decades after the two year construction project is done. Why you ask? Perhaps…just perhaps, it is because UNITE HERE is supporting Dr Moreno. ONE BILLION IN SUBSIDIES IN FOUR YEARS! Just follow the money and it all falls in place! BTW, although I did not contribute to Jose’s Go Fund Me account my husband and I are holding a small donor event at my home this Sunday, ( “Anaheim Sings The Blues,”) which should raise thousands of dollars for his grass roots campaign. Please feel free to come as my guest.

    • Four star hotels require a different level of employee; the wages will be much higher than from a two or three star hotel Jeff. Its going to take longer than 2 years and again, none of the sudsidies you mention come from construction. Go for you to hold a fundraiser. I have other plans that day and I only come to fundraisers where I write a check. I’m neutral in this race.

    • Jeff — Disney offers programs for job training to take janitors to better paying jobs. If the current service workers don’t want these jobs, they are free to pursue any employment that pays more. You can. So can I. I’m sure Dr. Moreno will be happy to collect funds from your Brea home.

  5. Did Mr. LeTourneou just compare HIGHY SKILLED, TRAINED union electricians and steel workers to hotel maids and jamitors who don’t speak english and barely read or write?

    This guy can champion the poor, all he wants, but he is foolish in his belief that these TWO classes of labor are similar. Next time Jeff needs his home in the Brea Hills rewired, he should try calling a hotel maid.

    I wonder how much Greg will be contributing this weekend?

    Maybe got a retainer from one of his 3 star hotel victims.

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