Disgraced former DPOC North County Vice Chair Greg Diamond has been twice described by this blog as a cancer in the Democratic Party in Orange County. His commentary leading up to and post June 7 primary season only reinforces it. It’s Stage 3 in the cancer that plagues the DPOC.
The Democratic Party is supposed to be a big tent; one that can handle a broad range of views. Mr. Diamond’s prerogative is that the Party should only be focused on reformist progressives. And for just about every candidate he promotes, endorses, and speaks up for, the results are often disastrous. With November coming, the support of Mr. Diamond for office should be as welcome as a case of Herpes. Candidates beware.
In no particular order, Diamond has:
- Described former state senator Lou Correa as a disaster if he replaces Loretta Sanchez in Congress. There was an attempt at combining the words “Democrat” and “Hermaphrodite” that was just mean-spirited as well as a suggestion Lou doesn’t represent the interests of the district well; Lou scored over 50% with voters on Anna Drive alone. Perhaps Diamond would like to suggest voters there aren’t smart enough to figure out whose best to represent them in Congress?
- Continues to insist Bernie Sanders is the ideal choice for president and that Sanders platform be adopted. Sanders lost. The candidate who finished second doesn’t get to dictate policy. That’s not how democracy works. There is no leverage for reformist progressives because now that it’s clear Hillary Clinton will square off against Donald Trump, the polls already show her ahead in every swing state. Diamond warns of a mid-term debacle in 2018 if Clinton is president; does he honestly believe a Sanders presidency wouldn’t produce even worse results for the party in 2018? It would.
- If Anaheim Councilman Jordan Brandman were suddenly to walk on water, Diamond would say Brandman can’t swim or Curt Pringle is holding his breath under water while Brandman takes each step. The comment Diamond made that Brandman literally calls “Dad” is just amazingly dumb and insulting to Brandman’s real Dad, Michael, whom I’ve had the privilege of working with in the clean tech industry. Diamond seems to be the only person in Orange County upset about Brandman’s efforts to get the city of Anaheim to fly the Gay Pride Flag or honor the victims of the Orlando shooting. Bao Nguyen has also been a student of Pringle in college – but he’s a client of Diamond’s stepdaughter and is therefore immune from criticism for this because Diamond “doesn’t directly profit” from this relationship (indirectly then?). But to utter “Brandman is corrupt” in every breath just because Diamond says so is contemptable and pathetic.
- Diamond’s diatribe against progressive political consultant Melahat Rafiei really highlights the divisiveness in Diamond’s directive – the only Democrats who matter must be reformist progressives. He suggests she had a role in Lou Correa’s defeat of Joe Dunn (she didn’t; that was a different consultant; voters decided on that election). But here’s the money quote: “…she would reinforce the absolute worst tendencies of the DNC that we’ve seen on exhibit this past year. Her election would be divisive and damaging. She’s a consummate party insider, personally charming and willing to promise the moon, who has worked hard for endorsements from people outside of Orange County…. If you vote for Jordan’s chief strategist and supporter Melahat, the public information of what YOU did to reformers in OC will neither be forgotten nor forgiven.” Wow. Diamond won’t forgive you or forget about it if you cast a vote for Melshat…I’m sure that puts terror into the hearts of DNC voters who elected her with a fourth place finish among female candidates. Diamond concludes a post about the election with this comment: “Oh, and let me be the first (so far as I know) to call for Melahat’s resignation from the DNC, for reasons already expressed.”
- Diamond’s criticisms of Eric Bauman are well-documented on the OJ blog; if you’re trying to influence the direction of the Party, perhaps it’s not the smartest idea to unfairly denigrate the guy likely to become the next state party chair.
- Describes current DPOC chair Henry Vandermeir as “power mad.” In a word – Bullshit. Henry is trying to herd cats and has had to deal folks who never accepted the fact Henry won the chair’s job fairly and squarely. Here’s Diamond’s bio on his OJ posts: “About Greg Diamond: Prolix worker’s rights and government accountability attorney. General Counsel of CATER, the Coalition of Anaheim Taxpayers for Economic Responsibility, a non-partisan group of people sick of local corruption. Deposed as Northern Vice Chair of DPOC in April 2014 when his anti-corruption and pro-consumer work in Anaheim infuriated the Building Trades and Teamsters in spring 2014, who then worked with the lawless and power-mad DPOC Chair to eliminate his internal oversight….He also runs a less frequently published blog called “The Brean,” for his chosen hometown, where he is now fighting with its wealthiest and most avaricious citizen-donors. This just seems to be his way. (editor’s note: TheBrean’s last post is more than 1 year old). The only person “power mad” here is Diamond himself.
For candidates who survived the June primary and are on your way to November, be wary of Diamond’s support. He doesn’t have the influence with the party he says he does and if you look at the won-loss record of the blog when it comes to endorsements, well the last place Angels are having a better season. Go back and read the post about how and why Brian Chuchua “could win” in AD-68 when voters sent Chuchua to a second from the bottom finish (and note to the Chuchua campaign, would you mind taking down the signs in North Irvine please?). Diamond just isn’t the sort of player who’s going to make a meaningful difference in turning OC blue if there’s only one shade of blue that’s acceptable.

In summary, Greg Diamond has little influence in Democratic circles in Orange County; if you align with him politically, you’re more than likely to suffer the consequences. Want to make him go away? Ask for a monetary contribution.
And some folks have had it with Diamond’s cheerleading of conservative Republicans (like Anaheim Mayor Tom Tait who has a much worse voting record on union contracts compared to Anaheim Councilmember Kris Murray, but why let “facts” get in the way of a narrative) and constant denegration of Democrats. AD-72 assembly candidate Lenore Albert has filed a petition with the Secretary of the California Democratic Party to have Diamond’s membership in the Party terminated (this is called burying the lede fellas).
From Albert’s complaint (many are pages of OJ blog posts and comments I’m not adding), these gems:
- At all times mentioned herein, Petitioners are informed and believe that Greg Diamond was a member of the Democratic State Central Committee, as an ex-officio Delegate for SD29.
- Greg Diamond ran for Senate District 29 (SD29) in 2012 and he lost.
- Petitioners are informed and believe and allege thereon that Greg Diamond participates in a local Orange County Blog called the Orange Juice Blog and uses his Facebook page to make public announcements and requests for money.
- Petitioners are informed and believe that Vern Pat Nelson also comments and writes stories along with Greg Diamond on the Orange Juice Blog, but does not have any information whether Vern Pat Nelson is also a delegate or member.
- Petitioner reserves the right to amend this Report and Statement of Charges if other members of the California Democratic Party also contributed with violations of CDP By-Laws Section 9.
- On or about February 28, 2016 Assembly District 72 candidate, Lenore Albert-Sheridan, was endorsed by the California Democratic party.
- On or about February 28, 2016 Senate District 29 candidate, Sukhee Kang, was endorsed by the California Democratic party (and he received an overwhelming number of votes at the county pre-endorsement vote, too).
- During and after the time Sukhee Kang and Lenore Albert-Sheridan were endorsed by the California Democratic party, Greg Diamond publicly campaigned against these endorsed democrats.
- Petitioners are informed and believe and allege thereon that he is also supporting Republican endorsed candidates.
- During and after Lenore Albert-Sheridan’s endorsement by the California Democratic Party, Greg Diamond publicly campaigned against the endorsed Democratic Party candidate by instructing others “DO NOT SUPPORT” Lenore Albert-Sheridan for AD72.
- Furthermore, Greg Diamond said that the incumbent holding the Assembly District 72 seat, Republican, Travis Allen, was the “prohibitive favorite.”
- Greg Diamond is in violation of CADEM By-Laws Article II, Section 9.
- Article II, Section 9 of the CADEM By-Laws states:
“This Committee may remove any member if, during his/her term of membership, such member affiliates with or registers as other than Party Preference Democratic; I have not run.; publicly advocates that the voters should not vote for the endorsed candidate of This Committee for any office; or who publicly gives support to or avows a preference for a candidate registered as other than Party Preference Democratic in the voter nominated top two open primary.” [emphasis added]
- Petitioner is informed and believes and alleges thereon that Greg Diamond, had knowledge that Lenore Albert-Sheridan was the endorsed candidate for AD 72 by the California Democratic party when he made the posts and he had knowledge of Section 9 of the By-Laws.
- Knowing this, Greg Diamond violated Section 9 of the CADEM By-Laws numerous times from February 28, 2016 thereafter, including, but not limited to the following incidents:
- Greg Diamond and his colleague, Vern Nelson continue to be publicly vocal that they do not want others to vote for the endorsed candidate of the Democratic party, Lenore Albert-Sheridan and publicly avowed a preference for Republican Travis Allen for AD 72, although Lenore Albert-Sheridan was endorsed by the California Democratic party.
- On February 28, 2016 Greg Diamond wrote the following in the Orange Juice Blog:
But since I myself have no such protection, this is my last chance to
SAFELY say a couple of things to readers:
* DO NOT SUPPORT Lenore Albert Sheridan is AD72.
I will write more about this soon, omitting the immediately previous
sentence if I decide that I don’t want to tempt fate. [emphasis added]
* DO SUPPORT Josh Newman over CDP endorsed
candidate Sukhee Kang in my old stomping ground of SD29.
Sukhee’s going to lose badly to LingLing Chang if he makes the
runoff — which would be less of a tragedy if he wasn’t likely to also
suck up great volumes of state party resources, Jose Solorio-style
— in the process of doing so. Newman, on the other hand, can beat
Chang — an argument I’ll expand upon soon — and is also one of the
nicest, smartest, and mist [sic] decent potentially viable candidates
that I’ve seen in Orange County. [bold added]
- It was followed up by comments from Vern implying that the California Democratic Party endorsed a nut by endorsing Lenore Albert-Sheridan.
- Greg Diamond did not delete his post of February 28, 2016 and continues to have it publicly posted to present. Each day should be considered a separate violation of the Rules.
- Additionally, on March 6, 2016 the following appeared in their Orange Juice Blog:
Incumbent Travis Allen is the prohibitive favorite to retain his seat
— raising the interesting question of whether he’ll run for State
Senate District 34 if Janet Nguyen takes on Alan Lowenthal or
whoever wins in CA46 this year for Congress. His challengers are
Vietnamese Democratic Party Central Committee Member Nam Pham
and embattled (more about that later) attorney Lenore
Albert Sheridan. (Writing my story about her will take some time,
but Vern has already provided and introduction.) [bold added]
- Travis Allen is a Republican. Nam Pham was registered as a Republican until 2010 or so when he ran for and lost a city council seat. He did not even try to get a party endorsement.
- The third definition of “prohibitive” on freedictionary.com states “ So likely to win as to discourage competition: the prohibitive favorite to win the nomination.”
- On March 8, 2016, the following appeared in their Orange Judge Blog:
Controversial attorney Lenore AlbertSheridan had her ballot statement revealed
on Saturday — and it says “Consumer Advocate/Economist.” I don’t know
whether that’s pending — or as a result of — the resolution of her
disciplinary hearings with the California Bar Association. [bold]
- The California Secretary of State received a complaint about Ms. Albert’s designation and the Secretary of State gave notice to Ms. Albert 24 hours before the deadline that they had changed her designation to “Business Owner” (although she is a (1) licensed attorney working as a consumer advocate for 15 years; (2) obtained her bachelor’s degree in economics; and (3) worked as a financial analyst/economic forecaster prior to law school).
- Ms. Albert has always been and continues to be a member “in good standing” with the State Bar of California. There has not been any finding by the State Bar of any culpability to date.
- On March 14, 2016 the following appeared in their Orange Juice Blog:
Incumbent Travis Allen is the prohibitive favorite to retain his seat —
raising the interesting question of what he’ll do in 2018, with Janet Nguyen
taking up his State Senate District 34 seat. Take on Alan Lowenthal? His
challengers are Democratic Party Central Committee Member Nam Pham
and embattled (more about that later) attorney Lenore Albert Sheridan,
to whom Vern has already introduced you. I first became aware of
Albert Sheridan as the supposedly go to OC lawyer for home foreclosures,
back when we in Occupy were trying to help a victim of sketchy foreclosure
in Irvine. I had heard that there were “issues” about her, but had
completely forgotten her name before she came out slamming me and Vern
in an AD72 forum on Facebook. Then I learned about her facing bar
discipline … and all I’ll say is that her new ballot designation is
“Consumer Advocate/Economist.” (I don’t know why, but I have my
[bold added]
27.On May 9, 2016 the following appeared in their Orange Judge Blog:
72nd District
Republican Incumbent Assemblyman Travis Allen is running for
reelection against two Democrats: Lenore AlbertSheridan, who had been listing herself as an attorney but is now listed as a “Business Owner” after facing disciplinary charges by the State Bar, and Nam
Pham. Nam is culturally conservative when it comes to LGBT rights — which we don’t like at all. But the question is: would it be better to have a Vietnamese Democrat on the ballot who can attract like others to come out in vote in November — or would it be better to have someone who will bring out people who have raised ethical complaints against her. OJB’s Recommendation comes from the 2014 candidate in this race, Joel Block, who says: NOT Albert Sheridan!
[bold added]
- The links to each of these stories with the quotes can be found here for verification: http://www.orangejuiceblog.com/?s=lenore+albert
- Assembly District 72 has been a ‘red district’ for the past several election cycles and is a tough race.
- Greg Diamond is violating Article II, Section 9 of the By-Laws and his membership should be terminated.
- On or about May 10, 2016 through the present, Greg Diamond and/or his agents, representatives, associates have incited others to “troll” comment sections on stories about Ms. Albert-Sheridan’s race, thus indirectly asking other to not vote for her, and placed the priority of asking others to not vote for the California Democratic Party endorsed AD 72 candidate Lenore Albert-Sheridan over the rules beholden to all members of the California Democratic Party. (See also,
- Greg Diamond has violated the By-Laws at least four different times, and continues daily from date of each original post, by actively campaigning against the endorsed Democratic candidate, Lenore Albert-Sheridan.
- Prior to making his posts, Greg Diamond supported a person he met through Occupy in Orange County named George Olivo. George Olivo assaulted Lenore Albert on July 11, 2014 in a workplace violence incident and has collected a group of people who have been harassing her. On May 23, 2016 Ms. Albert obtained a permanent restraining order against George Olivo for his actions. Greg Diamond’s support of George Olivo’s cyber-harassment on Facebook and a copy of the Workplace Violence
Order issued on May 23, 2016 are also attached.
34.On February 28, 2016 Greg Diamond also attacked Sukhee Kang the endorsed Democrat for SD 92 by campaigning against him.
35.On February 28, 2016 Greg Diamond wrote the following in the Orange Juice
* DO SUPPORT Josh Newman over CDP endorsed
candidate Sukhee Kang in my old stomping ground of SD29.
Sukhee’s going to lose badly to LingLing Chang if he makes the
runoff — which would be less of a tragedy if he wasn’t likely to also
suck up great volumes of state party resources, Jose Soloriostyle
— in the process of doing so. Newman, on the other hand, can beat
Chang — an argument I’ll expand upon soon — and is also one of the
nicest, smartest, and mist [sic] decent potentially viable candidates
that I’ve seen in Orange County. [bold added]
- Petitioners are informed and believe and allege thereon that Greg Diamond is helping Josh Newman in his campaign.
- The California Democratic Party should inquire if Greg Diamond’s daughter is handling Josh Newman’s campaign as treasurer as to his motive.
- Regardless of motive, Greg Diamond did not retract his statement or delete it and it has remained on the Orange Juice Blog for several months, just like his comments about Lenore Albert-Sheridan have remained on the Orange Juice Blog for several months.
- Even though this is sufficient evidence to terminate Greg Diamond’s membership, there is more. On March 25, 2016, Greg Diamond wrote the following about Sukhee Kang in the Orange Juice Blog:
Any honest political consultant would tell you: put a “safe, strong, American-sounding name” like “Josh Newman” put up against the foreign sounding names of two Asian woman* in a district that is only about a third Asian, would surely pull more than that.
*Kang is male.
- Reading the article as a whole, Greg Diamond maintains his earlier request for other Democrats not to vote for Sukhee Kang at the primary on June 7, 2016 although he is the endorsed candidate and has a tone about gender and ethnicity that is not in line with Democratic values of the party as a whole. [Article is attached]
- Petitioners are informed and believe and allege thereon Greg Diamond is putting his own self-interest above the interest of the party.
- In contrast to his posts about Sukhee Kang on March 25, 2016, Greg Diamond fully supported Sukhee Kang when he was seeking financial support for his candidacy for SD29, on August 18, 2016 on Facebook:
Public notice: I’m supporting my office-mate Jay Chen in the CA
DEM vote for the “Win Back the House Challenge.” Here in OC, I’m
also supporting Ron Varasteh, Alan Lowenthal, Sukhee Kang, Jerry
Tetalman, and I’d support both Sanchez sisters if either of them needed
- They’re all deserving. The same goes for other Democratic
Congressional candidates statewide.
I don’t like contests like this that pit campaigns against each other: I
understand that they are supposed to be motivating, but I think that they
create more bruised egos and unpleasantness among people who care
about more than one race than they’re worth.
So the announcement is: if the CDP gets around to doing State Senate
races, my ambition is to get 0 votes. The closest races are Cathleen
Galgiani in SD-05 (San Joaquin, vs. Bill Berryhill) and Fran Pavley in SD-27 (Ventura/Simi, vs. Todd Zink); I’d suggest that moderates choose
Galgiani and liberals choose Pavley. Richard Roth in SD-31 (Riverside,
- the odious Jeff Miller) and Marty Block in SD-39 (San Diego, vs.
George Plescia) are also close and important races. (I also couldn’t
criticize anyone in my own county who would choose CA-37’s Steve
Young, vs. “Irvine’s” Mimi Walters.)
While I don’t want your votes in such a challenge, I DO want your
donations — because the campaign of my opponent, Senate Minority
Leader Bob Huff, has maxed out to the Republicans in all of these races
and given plenty more to party committees who will give them even
more funding. I’m trying to attack Huff hard enough that he has to spend
more of that money back here at home to make sure I don’t sneak up on
To help, you can donate to me at
https://secure.actblue.com/entity/fundraisers/28942, volunteer for me,
and if you’re in my district you can vote for me on Nov. 6. But I would
not want to take a single vote away from those in the closest races if I
end up in this sort of contest. Vote for someone who needs the honor
more than I do.
[bold added]
- Removal of a member may be effected in the following manner: (1) At least three (3) members of the Executive Board or thirty (30) members of This Committee must sign and submit to the Secretary of This Committee a written statement of charges containing the grounds for removal. (2) The Secretary of This Committee, upon receipt of the statement of charges, must send to the accused member by timely registered mail, a copy of the statement of charges and a letter stating: that the accused member may
either resign or have a hearing before the officers of This Committee named in Article III, Section 2 that at such hearing, the accused member shall be afforded an opportunity to respond to the statement of charges and to confront the witnesses against such member; and that such member may be represented by counsel at such hearing.
- Attached hereto and fully incorporated herein are copies of the Blogs and Ms. Albert-Sheridan’s photo showing she was endorsed by the CDP.
- WHEREFORE the following members of this Committee pray that this Committee remove Greg Diamond as a member.
Dated: May 25, 2016
Dated: May 25, 2016
Dated: June 17, 2016
Dated: June 17, 2016
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Lenore Albert______________________
Attorney for Petitioner, Lenore Albert
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ _LOWELL YOUNG_____________
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ _MOLLY A MURO_______________
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Arnel Dino_______________________
Let us be the first to suggest Diamond take Albert’s advice and resign from the Democratic Party immediately. Kamala Harris – this is your guy in OC. Do you really want him to sink your campaign for Senate, because in SoCal he surely has.
This is awesome: Dan is out-bloviating the Bloviator at this point!
If GD and DC are bloviators, LA’s written diatribes are a virtual firehose of projectile word-vomit. Just read some of her court filings.
And the filing with the CDP is just the beginning. Mark my words…litigation will be next. It’s her M.O.
2/3rds of this is Lenore….
I know some Members of the party received this letter recently:
June 21, 2016
Hon. Henry Vandemeir
1916 W. Chapman Ave
Orange, CA 92868
Dear Chairman Vandemeir,
It looks to be a HOT HOT summer in Orange County. Even hotter politically speaking.
With so much on the line this election season, I believe it’s more important than ever for Democrats to unite together and form a unified front to capture as much of the vote as we can. This doesn’t mean we can’t disagree on some issues, fundamentally and/or practically. It does mean we must STOP now, the harmful, destructive rhetoric that threatens to implode the county party.
I speak specifically of Greg Diamond, the disgraced former Vice Chair. Greg has of late gone on tirades on his blog, in public and on social media, among other things:
• Calling You a LIAR and a CHEAT. Not good for unity.
• Calling a leading party member, Jose Solorio’s mother a “Bitch”
• Accused our Democratic candidate for congress, Lou Correa of intentionally killing people
• Unsuccessfully managed the campaign of a long time GOP member, Brian Chachua in opposition to the Democratic candidate, Sean Panahi in the recent AD 68 race (YES, He ran a competitive candidates campaign!)
• Has openly and repeatedly supported Anaheim’s GOP mayor, Tom Tait (in a town he DOESN’T EVEN LIVE IN!!)
• Developed a strange vendetta against Anaheim councilmember Jordan Brandman, calling him a thief, frail, ill and even mocking his sexuality and the way he publically addressed it.
• Called Former Assembly Speaker John Perez a terrorist
• Taken to social media to openly attack our county candidate for the DNC, Mehehat Rafiei
These are but a few examples of late of Diamonds corrosive behavior, I won’t get into the Hillary Clinton attacks.
We need to stand together, NOT APART, I am not sure what Greg’s motives are, but it is clearly harmful to the party. Please join me in choosing to reject Diamonds poisonous character and stand ABOVE the childlike antics of this self-proclaimed “activist”.
Henry “Paul” Lipton
Henry Lipton
PS. Simply GOOGLE “Greg Diamond” Stage 2; “Bizzarro Greg Diamond”; OR “Crazy Greg Diamond” for citations
NOTE: Cut and pasted from EMAIL/SCAN COPY from DPOC CC member.
I’m pleased to have thumped Paul Lucas in the central committee election for AD68.
Whoever Henry Lipton may actually be (as Da Mayor in “Do the Right Thing” puts it, “Them that know won’t say, and them that would say don’t know,” Paul Lucas wants it to be clear that he wrote no such letter, and asks that Fake Vasquez clarify that the above is some clumsy attempt at satire or something.
I don’t know who Henry “Paul” Lipton OR Paul Lucas is, so I can’t comment.
I do know that a DPOC Central Committee member sent me a photocopy/scan of the lestter which was stamped “COPY”, I copied it in its original form.
I am given to understand that this was sent to several DPOC CC members, elected officials, CADEM members and the local building and trades.
I DON”T KNOW who or what’s behind it, however, I would note that the date predates Lennore’s (who I don’t know either) by a few weeks.
My deal is simple, I am a registered voter, who chose to avoid the bitter ‘bitch battles” that tend to be county chapters, I am no less interested but, not involved.
For some FREAKISH reason, this is impossible for Greg Diamond to understand and or accept. he has said as much.
I do KNOW that Greg Called my employer and tried to dig around about me.
I ALWAYS post under my God Given name, I always have, this “Fake Vasquez” business is part of the guy’s delusion or a tactic to diminish/dismiss what I say. As if what I type could somehow be harmful, important or of consequence. They are merely opinions.
Maybe you should ask around, and maybe if “Paul Lucas” has something to say he should say it himself.
Off to Selena Gomez ( I heard Jordan Brandman got the Anaheim Suite!!!!) That’s “SATIRE” Vern Nelson, you can put your kidneys back in their place
Paul can’t post here, duh.
Paul CAN post here. Henry Lipton can’t.
Henry Lipton IS Paul Lucas.
Paul Lucas IS Henry Lipton.
Either Paul is too Dishonest to come clean. Small lies lead to big problems later.
Paul the truth will set you FREE BROTHER.
Letting readers know I got a hard copy of this letter sent to me; I will confirm with the DPOC if they got this letter too.
I wonder if the democratic party fully knows about the State Bar Trial raging against Lenore Albert (with the optional Sheridan)?
This is HILLARIOUS – I expect pies in the face next.
What a coincidence, this comes out the day after the trial related to all the State Bar complaints against Lenore began. Does she think lashing out at someone else will distract the court? Maybe that worked in other situations, but not here.
Yeah, I think I will look into the mystery of Lenore’s residency – last I heard she was not in Huntington Beach OR Westminster, but a trailer in Stanton. No big deal if Slick Travis runs unopposed, she was never gonna beat him anyway, and that would probably save our Party a lot of embarrassment.
No coincidence. I had the complaint last week and I’ve been busy
Go ahead and look at her residency issue. She’s explained it to me and it’s no big whoop. As for saving our Party embarrassment, Diamond could STFU and that would do the job
Why not both?
Wait. I am confused. Is Vern saying Paul Lucas IS Henry Lipton?
Why all the skull drudgery? He’s nothing more than an anonymous coward, throwing stones from the bushes.
Vern can you ask Paul, err. Henry that we’do love to know why he feels the need to post under an assumed name. What is he afraid of?
Of course we understand that Paul posts ALL OVER the Internet using the name Henry Lipton, and Henry insists he is real, but we really believe THIS time it wasn’t Paul pretending to be Henry.
Wow. I need a map
I think Paul gets confused. He’s not banned here, but obviously told Vern he was. That’s the problem with alter egos.
He’said not confused. He’said stoned. The dude is literally chained to a bong.
How else to do you explain his rabid support of a guy people FORGOT about ten years ago for a modern day congressional seat.
He sits fine in the peanut gallery that is OJB.
Wait, who is this again?
It doesn’t matter. Henry Lipton isn’t a real person
Diamond v Albert is truly an epic “Battle of the Bloviators”. Over-under on who files the first lawsuit?
That sound you hear is 40,000+ Breans rolling on the floor laughing their butts off… which is drowning out my shouts of “I told you so!” Ain’t karma a bitch?
It appears that in his quest to stay relative in front of the DPOC waving the BLACKBALL flag at Diamond soon, he is trying to curry favor with the impressionable young Voice Of OC reporter.
I am told, Diamond was always good for a “attaboy” torwards Adam Elmehmaerk but, no one there took him seriously.
Ms. Vo shpuld take note, Greg and his CATER crew are THRICE losers in their suits against Anaheim
No the “kitchen table lawyer” is trolling for some paying clients in the form of hotel owners ( it’s easier to fleece smaller individuals and families than corporations).
Even if he doesn’t go to trial, file suit or do anything but bluster, one things for certain:
Take down this defamatory comment from OC DEM, Dan.
While I recognize that given past practice this will not only not be published on this site, but will not only appear on the site in “to be reviewed” format to give me a sceeenshot of it having been posted, I believe that a finder of fact would recognize that I did hit “post” after composing this comment, as I have no reason not to do so. Your public comments reflect that you do see them.
I read the VOC story before I read this comment and came to the same conclusion; that you’ll approach other hotels in Anaheim to offer services fora lawsuit. Likely to be rejected by hotels who already have legal counsel who know the track record of such lawsuits and your own terrible record when it comes to suing Anaheim. I don’t see defamation. It’s not like OC DEM suggested you assaulted someone in a wheelchair.
No cause of action for defamation here. The CDA is pretty solid defence. So I’d dare the clown to do anything. http://www.courts.ca.gov/opinions/nonpub/G051607.PDF
Good luck on having hotels sue. That silly and stupid.
When one foists himself into the public forum he should be prepared to take the shit which ensues. Pound sand Diamond.
Anyone know why Lenore Albert appears to be suspending her campaign based on her Facebook update last week? Maybe it was too much for her to juggle with the state bar trial against her last week.
You have reading comprehension issues. She declined to participate in union-based candidate training. And frankly, with the exception of the local building-trades, the public employee unions here don’t have the best track record of electing candidates.
stick with one name please; I can see your IP address.
In the early 1990’s I worked as an intern at Napa State Hospital. Home of the criminally insane. When things were getting “hot” the staff would call it “must see TV”, code for keep an eye on things, almost anything could or would set a patient off.
One has to wonder if they are doing the same in Greg’s apartment! Keep him busy girls, watch the med levels, limit the internet and TV.
Maybe watch Lilo and Stitch again (I presume that Greg is still a VCR/DVD guy), maybe and old MASH episode where Hawkeye gives a speech…..(We know you girls HATED when he made you watch these all those years).
These three days are volitile, like Baltimore, LA or Baton Rouge in that upstairs apartment. God bless you Pinay’s we trust you can temper Greg’s moods.