For those reading the tea leaves for the November city council election in Irvine, you’re best indication of how things might go can be found in the Central Committee races for the OC GOP and the Democratic Party of Orange County. In AD-68, city council candidate Melissa Fox led the pack with 21,670 votes as of Tuesday, or 22.4%. In AD-74, which covers Central and South Irvine, city council candidate Farrah Khan came in 5th with 16,149 votes or 13.5%. An impressive showing for both made more impressive by what many believe will be a heavy Hillary Clinton voting turnout in a city that has a significant Democratic Party voting advantage over Republicans who have Donald Trump at the top fo the ticket.
On the Republican side, Irvine Mayor Steven Choi finished 3rd and Council member Jeff Lalloway finished 6th with 15,262 and 13,853 votes respectively. Now you might think, that’s competitive with the Democrats?
Choi is likely to be on the ballot for State Assembly, and win or lose, he’s off the city council. Lalloway isn’t running this year as he was re-elected in 2014. Katherine Daigle finished just out of th running in AD-74 with 12,138 votes for Central Committee or 6.2 percent. She’s run twice before in the city and came in third in a three horse race for AD-74. But Irvine Republicans ought to know Daigle just might be their strongest candidate for city council this November.

And consider Anthony Kuo (Lying Tony for a number of reasons I won’t get into here). He’s a planning commissioner for Mayor Steven Choi and is a candidate for Irvine City Council. Kuo ran for Central Committee too. How did he do? Kuo was 15 out of 15 candidates — dead last with 7,149 votes as of Monday night. Cripes, even Paul Lucas got more votes for the DPOC Central Committee spots in AD-68 than Kuo did in a losing effort.
Now our spies tell us council member “corrupt” Christina Shea attended the Donald Trump rally in Costa Mesa; Shea’s biggest supporter on the Council is Choi who has come out as a full Trump supporter with his one campaign piece mimicking Trump’s slogan of “Make America Great:” Can we lump Choi, Shea and Shea’s Commissioners into the Donald Trump camp?
Does Kuo strike fear in the heart of Irvine Democratic Candidates? Absolutely not. Does Shea? No. The big blue turnout makes have coattails for Hillary Clinton that will be enough to carry Democrats back to the majority in Irvine.
Nice fantasy Dan. The conservatives have beaten you guys before and they will beat you again in November. The only candidate of yours who has an outside chance is Melissa Fox. Not that I am someone to be giving her advice but she should run as an Independent and distance herself from Mary Ann Gaido, an old Agranista retread. Glad to hear that Irvine Republicans are supporting Donald Trump, our next President. A lot of people will be coming out to vote for Trump and the trickle down effect will extend to local elections. Assuming Hillary is not indicted between now and then, she is so unpopular, many “Bernie” voters will likely stay home. Keep conjuring up your propaganda Dan, because the uninformed Irvine Democrat voters will be eating it up.
Not really, Donald is too nationalitic for Orange County. He did much better in Riverside since white folks are employed less in factory work in OC than Riverside. Donald and John Kasich and Ted Cruz total less than Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. It depends upon if the young Sanders supporters come out. Conservatives are out of it in Orange County its becoming San Diego purple. The Cons are older people. Trump caused the Republicans to get over 260,000 votes for President versus 320,000 for the Dems. In 6 years bye bye Republican Party unless the say comeback to Trump nationalism. Go to the California Election results and see Repubs that love Donnie are going down the tubes in OC. I predicate that Donald Trump doing worst than Mitt Romeny in 2012 in Orange County getting over 76 percent of the vote versus 82 percent will caused Donald Trump to lose the US election.
It can also be speculated that many people will be coming out to vote because of Trump and not for him.
The registration in Irvine is just about even.
That will make for an interesting race.
Trump actually got less percent than Mitt Romney in 2012. Voting was only 25,000 higher and Donald only got about 11,000 more votes than Romney, bad when you considered about 25,000 more people voted, In fact Donald Trump caused the Dems to go up about 80,000 votes for president compared to last time. Donald is too dam protectionist for Orange County where more Latinos and not whites do the factory work. Trump did better in Riverside about an 81 percentage point. See the results, turnout for Republicans up less in OC and La a lot more for Riverside. Donald fits them in Riverside since whites work factory work there more.