Jerry Brown endorses Hillary Clinton for President

Governor Jerry Brown Keynotes 17th Annual Truman Dinner in Irvine - Photo: Kevin Sullivan, Orange County Register (click Image for more photos)
California Gov. Jerry Brown gestures while delivering his inaugural address at the state Capitol Monday, Jan. 5, 2015, in Sacramento, CA. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli) ( Rich Pedroncelli )
California Gov. Jerry Brown gestures while delivering his inaugural address at the state Capitol Monday, Jan. 5, 2015, in Sacramento, CA. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli) ( Rich Pedroncelli )

California governor Jerry Brown has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president a week before the June 7 California primary.

Here’s his letter:

On Tuesday, June 7, I have decided to cast my vote for Hillary Clinton because I believe this is the only path forward to win the presidency and stop the dangerous candidacy of Donald Trump.

I have closely watched the primaries and am deeply impressed with how well Bernie Sanders has done. He has driven home the message that the top one percent has unfairly captured way too much of America’s wealth, leaving the majority of people far behind. In 1992, I attempted a similar campaign.

For her part, Hillary Clinton has convincingly made the case that she knows how to get things done and has the tenacity and skill to advance the Democratic agenda. Voters have responded by giving her approximately 3 million more votes – and hundreds more delegates – than Sanders. If Clinton were to win only 10 percent of the remaining delegates – wildly improbable – she would still exceed the number needed for the nomination. In other words, Clinton’s lead is insurmountable and Democrats have shown – by millions of votes – that they want her as their nominee.

But there is more at stake than mere numbers. The Republican nominee, Donald Trump, has called climate change a “hoax” and said he will tear up the Paris Climate Agreement. He has promised to deport millions of immigrants and ominously suggested that other countries may need the nuclear bomb. He has also pledged to pack the Supreme Court with only those who please the extreme right.

The stakes couldn’t be higher. Our country faces an existential threat from climate change and the spread of nuclear weapons. A new cold war is on the horizon. This is no time for Democrats to keep fighting each other. The general election has already begun. Hillary Clinton, with her long experience, especially as Secretary of State, has a firm grasp of the issues and will be prepared to lead our country on day one.

Next January, I want to be sure that it is Hillary Clinton who takes the oath of office, not Donald Trump.

With respect,

Jerry Brown

Hillary Clinton in OC in 2005
Hillary Clinton in OC in 2005

The Brown endorsement is somewhat of a surprise given the less-than-warm relationship between the Clintons and Brown dating back to the 1992 presidential campaign and similarities between Brown’s candidacy and Sanders candidacy.

And while there’s lots of people at Sanders rallies, there’s the beginnings of Bernie backlash out there with one columnist comparing Sanders to Toyna Harding and the Washington Post saying enough with Bernie already.

From the Post story:

This is the place where a policy-oriented Washington commentator like myself is supposed to offer Bernie Sanders supporters some sort of olive branch. For example, I could point out that he has highlighted some real issues. I am angry about money in politics, too. I believe that income inequality is a problem, too. I think the safety net needs strengthening, too. In other words, I am supposed to indicate that I get why Sanders has a movement.

But the truth is that Sanders does not deserve a movement, and his losing campaign does not deserve unusual deference and concessions. His tale about American oligarchy is simplistic, his policy proposals are shallow, his rejection of political reality is absurd, his self-righteousness and stubbornness are unbecoming. And, yes, he has lost.

Bernie Sanders in Nevada
Bernie Sanders in Nevada

So, enough with the reality-denial. Enough with the sanctimony. Enough with the attitude that only Sanders’s agenda counts. Enough with the dream that his movement is broader and more powerful than it has proved to be at the ballot box. Enough with the paranoid conspiracy theorizing, the lazy attacks on the “establishment,” the platitudes about the right to health care and the right to free college without realistic plans to realize them, the delegitimization of those who disagree, the scorning of practicality, the outrageous negativity about the state of the country and the simplistic narrative of evil 1 percenters who are to blame for everything that is wrong. Enough with the excuses for half-baked policy proposals (It is the direction, not the specifics, that matter!). Enough with the “political revolution.”

Berners can accept reality or sink deeper into delusion. Only one of these options would be good for them and good for the country.