Over the years, Chris Prevatt and I have had a number of candidates give us a head’s up when they were thinking about running for office. Usually, the first piece of advice I offer is “protect your name” and buy your URL through GoDaddy and Network Solutions. Buy multiple iterations of your name along with the office you’re going for because the web address is less than $15 a year.
When it comes to Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz (I’m sorry, Rafael Eduardo Cruz from Calgary, Canada) and his Vice President designate Carly Fiorina, one of the most hated women in Silicon Valley — both candidates fail in this basic measure.
Go to tedcruz.com. Go to www.carlyfiorinaforvicepresident.com. What do you see?
This isn’t a new story in this campaign or in politics. Donald Trump acquired JebBush,com and rerouted that domain to Trump’s campaign website.
it could be worse. Carly Fiorina could sing. (she did)