Open Letter to Governor Jerry Brown; Build a Wall to Protect Us from Donald Trump!
Today I am personally issuing an urgent call to action to Governor Jerry Brown.
A dark and evil force is descending upon our state, forcing California to face irreversible harm and danger in just a few short hours when the racist, shameless and megalomaniacal Republican Donald Trump takes the stage at the California GOP convention. I therefore call on you to build a “great wall” to keep this divisive character out of California!
Such a wall could prevent our Golden State from being permanently tainted by Trump’s inexcusable and hateful rhetoric, his discriminatory policies, and his divisive politics. Most importantly, this wall will create thousands of good paying jobs and economic opportunities for our hard working union members in the building and construction trades and kick start widespread economic growth.
Plus, this project won’t cost us a dime: we’ll take a page out of Trump’s book and have him cover the construction costs!
Please, Governor Brown, now is the time to take a stand and build a massive wall to keep Trump OUT!
In Humility and Appreciation,
Eric C. Bauman Vice-Chair, California Democratic Party
Chair, Los Angeles County Democratic Party
Eureka, what is that “whining” sound we are hearing? Oh, that is just Democrats finally starting to grasp the fact that Donald Trump is real, winning more delegates every day and will be the Republican to destroy “Crooked” Hillary Clinton in November. Better get used to it Dan because when Trump starts his attack on Hillary, even her mouthpiece, “Slick Willy” will not be able to save her. That is assuming of course that the FBI hasn’t indicted her first?
Oh Pat, that whining sound you hear about Trump is coming from Republicans……