WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (CA-46) released the following statement regarding the Supreme Court’s 4-4 tie decision in Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, upholding the Ninth Circuit Court ruling in favor of labor rights for American workers:
“Strong and healthy unions are crucial to ensure that American workers are treated justly and fairly. Yesterday’s Supreme Court decision rightly upholds the legality of mandatory dues, reaffirming the importance of a strong labor movement that fights for the benefits of not only its members, but of all workers.
“We cannot underestimate the importance of the organized labor movement for our workers and their families, our local communities, our middle class, and the overall health of our nation. As a staunch supporter of labor rights, I will continue fighting for fair pay, safe working conditions, health benefits, pensions, a five-day work week and the right to collectively bargain.”
Rep. Sanchez has spent almost 20 years in Congress standing with labor, advocating on behalf of the nation’s workers and the American Labor Movement. Rep. Sanchez is a former dues-paying member of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union and stood in solidarity with her peers on the picket lines during a major strike in 2002.