Senator Rafeal Eduardo Cruz (R-TX) will be making an appearance in OC this Thursday at a Lincoln Club fundraiser in Newport Beach. The event is hosted by Congressman Dana Rohrabacher and features both Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina and it will be held at the Pacific Club.
Last week, the National Enquirer broke a story about Senator Cruz allegedly having multiple extra-martial affairs. This is the same publication that broke the Gary Hart-Donna Rice-Monkey Business story in 1988 as well as the John Edwards-affair-love child story from 2008, so while the Enquirer isn’t exactly the New York Times, it doesn’t run stories about Space Aliens endorsing Bernie Sanders for President.
The Washington Times, the conservative daily newspaper in DC, just fired one of their columnists who tweeted a confirmation of sorts about at least two fo the women connected to Cruz.
From the Inquisitr:
A Washington Times writer was abruptly fired after he “came clean” on Twitter about the Ted Cruz sex scandal. The writer, Drew Johnson, confirmed via his Twitter account that there was some truth to the Ted Cruz affair rumors noting that he knows at least two of the mistresses named by the National Enquirer are accurate. The columnist says that other media outlets, columnists and reporters knew about the affairs, but refused to run the story.
The National Enquirer has caused a media firestorm after publishing a cover story about GOP presidential hopeful Ted Cruz and a series of alleged mistresses. The publication is a known tabloid, but despite its reputation for the sensational, has broke a number of big stories related to political candidates and high profile cases in the past. For example, the National Enquirer was the first to break stories about Gary Hart, Jesse Jackson and John Edwards before they were confirmed by the mainstream media. Therefore, when the tabloid decided to run with a story about Ted Cruz and his rumored “five mistresses,” it left some questioning if the bombshell report could be true.
In response to the story in question, a Washington Times columnist responded that it is not entirely bogus as from “what he knows” at least two of the mistresses outlined in the report are “accurate.”
Following the controversial affirmation of Ted Cruz’s many affairs, Drew Johnson quickly found that his knowledge on the affairs was not welcome to be associated with the Washington Times and he was terminated immediately. In fact, it seems the Washington Times was so upset over Johnson “coming clean,” that they went so far as to claim he hadn’t worked full-time for the publication in over a year. In response to the allegations that Johnson lied about his resume, Drew posted screenshots of his bank statements showing his check deposits from the Washington Times, proving he was still being paid by the publication for his work.
Cruz has denied the affairs and denounced the stories, blaming the Trump campaign placed them. Other media outlets are reporting people associated with Marco Rubio’s campaign had a hand in getting the story out.
Did Ted Cruz Pay ‘Hush Money’ to Carly Fiorina Over #CruzSexScandal?
Why did a Ted Cruz super PAC give $500,000 to Carly Fiorina’s?
Keep the Promise I donated $500,000 to the Carle for President Cmty on 6/18/15
The “good ol boy,” RINO element hoovering around Ted Cruz, convinces me to go with the Donald Trump forces. While Ted Cruz has merits, I do not believe he would be strong enough or have the backbone for the close quarters battle necessary for a hostile take over of the Corporation we call the Federal Government. Donald Trump, while crude, rude & lewd and rough around the edges, does have those skills and backbone.
Confusing. It’s “RINO” to support extreme insane rightwinger Cruz over a guy like Trump who’s had every sort of position over the years and was even a Democrat for a while.
Well at least Trump would probably be gentler than Cruz on your pension. But it seems “RINO” is being applied to the wrong side here.
Tait backs Cruz dillwad
What do I care who Tait supports for President, dipstick? He’s a REPUBLICAN duh.
At least I wouldn’t have guessed Trump.
(Actually I would have guessed Kasich.)
And you can never do enough for your buddy Tom.
Vern, look around and you will see establishment hacks (Orange County & Nationwide) have lost everyone of their anointed business as usual candidates. They are now down to the lesser of two evils; drink the rat poison (Cruz), or drink the cyanide (Trump). They are more afraid of the radical, unpredictable Donald Trump than they are of Ted Cruz, who can still be manipulated and controlled. Not worried about either candidate harming my pension. I am more fearful of the forces of the left and NWO who want to destroy our country and the Civil War it would bring.
Civil War? War ain’t Civil.
I sort of like the GOP coalescing behind the Donald. All the same soundbites are being used as when the GOP united behind Arnold in the recall.
Remind us how that worked out.
They are both a complete joke!!
Not as much of a joke as John Kasich, Jeb Bush, en Carson, Little Marco or the host of other Republican wannabees and especially not as much of a laugh as Hillary “the criminal” and “The Bern.” Sorry, but Jesus Christ is not running this year so there is no perfect candidate.
The tea party Republicans have done a very good job of destroying the GOP. Extremists on either side is never a good thing for America.