Melissa Fox announces new bid for Irvine City Council

Melissa Fox talking with people in the district
Melissa Fox talking with people in the district
Melissa Fox talking with people in the district

Irvine city commissioner Melissa Fox has announced that’s she’s a candidate for Irvine City Council.  Here’s her letter to supporters that came out this morning:

I am running for Irvine City Council.

I love Irvine. Our beautiful parks, our thriving communities, our small businesses, our first-rate schools, our dedicated and professional police department and low crime rate have for many years made Irvine a role model for other cities.

I am a business owner, attorney and City Commissioner, and understand the relationship between strong, pro-resident leadership and our quality of life in Irvine.

I have shown that I can succeed in bringing people together to solve problems and achieve real results for our city.

When I ran for Irvine City Council in 2014, I was only 210 votes (less than half of one percent) short of victory. This year I am confident that we will win and return Irvine to its place as a model city for California and the nation.

To win, I need your help. Your maximum contribution of $470 – or a pledge of $47 a month – will help us build a campaign that will put us over the top in November. A contribution of any amount will have an immediate positive impact and let everyone know you are on our team.

Join me!  Let’s move Irvine forward together!

Melissa joins a crowded field of Democrats running for City Council that includes Shiva Farivar and Farrah Khan.  Fox was a leader in working with Veteran’s groups to gain community support help make the Veteran’s Cemetery and Memorial a reality.

Irvine Republicans don’t have Larry Agran to attack this cycle and with a presidential year looming and Irvine Council member Christina Shea facing an FPPC investigation and is the subject of a state audit about politicizing the Great Park audit, Irvine Democrats have a chance to take back the majority.