SD-29 Senate Candidate Sukhee Kang Issues Statement on San Bernardino Shooting

Sukhee Kang

My heart goes out to the victims and their families who were killed and wounded in yet another heinous mass shooting, this time in San Bernardino. The rest of the world must think America is crazy when it sees these massacres of innocent people, one after another.

Many elected officials offer their thoughts and prayers, but that neither brings back the victims nor prevents such tragedies from happening again. The Lord helps those who help themselves, the saying goes, and we need more than prayers, we need action.

Too many politicians like to advertise their NRA membership as some sort of badge of honor, rather than supporting common-sense measures to make it harder for those with malevolent intent to acquire assault-type weapons to mow down as many innocent people in as little time as possible.

It dishonors the victims and their loved ones for our elected officials not to take actions that a majority of Americans support to make it harder for people to get guns who shouldn’t have access to them.


  1. Sukhee, same old liberal bullshit that all your Democrat BFF’s are spouting. Considering the amount of violence and mass death around the world attributed directly to Muslim terrorists, America has been fortunate up until now. Stand by because they are coming for us with attacks making the recent incident look like child’s play. The recent event was done by two individuals with minimal training and experience. Experts know there are already a number of covert terrorist cells in the United States planning their next attack. Sorry, but deflecting the real issue by blaming guns and the NRA, is a dog that won’t hunt. The blame goes directly back to politicians who have weakened out intelligence system, allowed open borders and now want to bring in hoards of misfits from the Mideast. Lastly, your naive thoughts on making it harder for “bad guys” to get guns is ludicrous, at best. Criminals and terrorists don’t wander into a store or gun show to buy weapons, so stricter controls will not impact them. They get their weapons on the black market and regardless of what politicians do, the business will continue. Personally, I support every American owning at least one gun for self-protection as long as they are trained in the operation and legal use of it.

  2. You make numerous claims here.

    1. “Experts know there are already a number of covert terrorist cells in the United States planning their next attack.”

    How do you know that? Do you have access to classified to that type of information? You were a police officer. You do realize that one is innocent till proven guilty, right?

    2. “The blame goes directly back to politicians who have weakened out intelligence system, allowed open borders and now want to bring in hoards of misfits from the Mideast.”

    Which politician(s) has weakened our intelligence system? We spend more on intel and defense than we did at the beginning of the Obama Administration. Was it that much weaker before he took office?

    3. “Criminals and terrorists don’t wander into a store or gun show to buy weapons…”

    The recent terrorists who perpetrated the attack in San Bernardino bought all of their weapons legally. So your point is incorrect.

  3. The FBI calls the San Bernardino shootings an Act of Terrorism. Sukhee Kang blames the NRA.
    “the Los Angeles Times cited a federal law enforcement source in reporting that the husband, Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, had contact with at least two militant groups overseas, including the al Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front in Syria.”
    Read more at Reuters
    “CNN and other news media outlets reported that Malik’s Facebook posts included a pledge of allegiance to Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.”
    Read more at Reuters
    After their terrorist act they did not flee. They, instead remained to be martyred (killed in a police shootout) and thereby receive entry into paradise according to their religious beliefs.

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